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pep7 小学六年级英语Unit1课件 How do you go to shcool.ppt
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更新时间:2019-12-27 19:16:47
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pep7 小学六年级英语Unit1课件 How do you go to shcool.ppt介绍

Let’s  chant Red light ,red light ,stop stop stop. Yellow light,yellow light,wait wait wait. Green light,green light,go go go. Read the text and fill the form. Exercises: We must know the________ ________.______at a red light. _________at a yellow light. Go_______a_______light. Different countries have different traffic _______. In China ,drivers drive on the ____side ,and in  Australia,they drive on the ___ side . * Unit 1 How Do You Go There 榆林市第九小学 曹业萍 traffic  lights red light yellow light green light Red light means stop. Green light means go . Yellow light means wait . Remember the traffic rules. Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light. China      US England   Australia right  side left side The difference  The same In England/Australia In China/the US The traffic lights:red means“stop ”, yellow means“ wait”, green means“ go” . Drivers drive on the right side of the road Drivers drive on  the left side  of the the road        If you go by car , by bike or on foot,you must know the traffic rules. The traffic lights are same in every country.They are …… In China and US , drivers drive on the right side. In England and Australia , drivers drive on the left side. (1)  Crosswalk        (2)  No bikes   (3)  No entry           (4)No right turn   (5) One way            (6)  Turn left      at              green traffic rules stop wait rules right left * * * * * 
pep7 小学六年级英语Unit1课件 How do you go to shcool.ppt



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