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中考总复习之 中考说明及要求 连词的用法  一、连词的定义  连接词与词、短语与短语、句子与句子的词,叫连词。例如: It is neither too cold nor too hot in spring.(neither…nor连接两个词) You can read either in the morning or in the afternoon.(either…or连接两个短语) Hu Lan was late yesterday because she woke up too late. (because连接两个句子) 二、连词的种类和常考连词的用法  从连词本身的含意及其所连接的成分的性质来看,可分为两类:并列连词和从属连词。 并列连词。用来连接有并列关系的词、短语或分句的连词是并列连词;并列连词连接分句构成并列句。 (一)常用来并列同类性质的词与词、短语与短语的并列连词and,or, neither...nor,either...or,not only...but also, both...and: 1. and 和,并且     My uncle lives and works in Shanghai.  我叔叔在上海居住和工作。 He's big and tall.  他很高大。 2. or 或(非否定句中)、和(否定句中)  Are you a teacher or a student? 你是老师还是学生?  You can take some food or some money.?你可以带点吃的或带点钱。 I don’t like reading or writing. 我既不喜欢读,也不喜欢写。  3.either...or, 要么……要么……,或者……或者…… neither...nor, 既不……也不…… both...and,  既……又…… not only...but also...不仅……而且……  You can come to see me either on Sunday or on Saturday.  你要么在周日来,要么在周六来。  I don't like its color, it is either too dark or too light.  我不喜欢它的颜色,不是太暗就是太浅。   The boy is both tall and fat. 那个男孩又高又胖。    My daughter can not only sing but also dance.我的女儿不仅能唱,还会跳。 (二)常见的并列分句构成并列句的连词有and,or,but,so 1. or 否则 相当于一个否定条件句。 Hurry up, or you’ll be late. 快点,否则你就要迟到了。 (If you don't hurry up, you'll be late.) 2. and这样的话,就会……,相当于一个肯定条件句 Study hard, and you can get good grades.努力学习,你就会取得高分。   (If you study hard, you can get good grades.) 3. but 但是,可是,而  前后分句是转折关系 Mr Mott is very poor, but he feels happy. Mott先生很穷,但他感到快乐。 4. so于是,因此 并列具有因果关系的两个分句。 We wanted to learn the English songs,  so we asked the teacher to teach us.      我们想学英文歌,于是请老师教我们。  (二)从属连词。引导从句的连词叫做从属连词,分连接代词和连接副词两种。 1. 引导宾语从句的有that, when, where, who, why, what, if, whether   1). that用于引导陈述句的宾语从句,可以省去,如:      She says that she likes watching TV very much.   2). when, where, who, why, what等连接副词连接由特殊疑问句转化过来的宾语从句。如:      Do you know when the train arrives?      Can you tell me where you come from? 3). if, whether连接有一般疑问句转化过来的宾语从句。     They are wondering if they can get the money back.    She asked the librarian whether she had to pay for the lost book.        注:下列几种情况下不能使用if来引导宾语从句。 ⑴介词后的宾语从句不能使用if 引导               Are you interested in whether she will come here? ⑵后跟or not时,不能使用if引导               I’m not sure whether or not the shop is open. ⑶当后跟动词不定式时,不能使用if引导               Do you know whether to go to the Great Wall tomorrow? 2. 引导状语从句的连词有when,until,after, before, as soon as, since, for, although,if,because,so that,as if, so…that, while等。  1) 引导时间状语从句的连词有when,while, until,after, before, as soon as, since 2) 引导条件状语从句的连词有if, unless 3)引导原因状语从句的连词有because 4)引导结果状语从句的连词有 so….that/such…that 5)引导比较状语从句的连词有than, as…as  中考考什么? 中考从以下几个方面来考查学生对连词的掌握情况: 1.并列词与词、短语与短语的连词and,or,both..and, either..or, not only..but also, neither..nor。 (2007南通) I can ________ swim ________ skate. I’m going to have some training next year. A. either, or	B. neither, nor C. both, and	D. not only, but also  [解题技巧]  以此立意的试题考查考生能否正确使用并列连词and,or,both..and, either..or, not only..but also, neither..nor等。其中后三组连词并列主语时,谓语动词与最靠近的主语保持一致。      本题题意是对swim和skate两种动作的否定,对两者否定用neither…nor,选B。 2.并列分句的连词so,for,but,and, or, not only...but also (河南试题) 一Be careful, ________you will make mistakes in your exams.  —I know that,Mum.One can never be too careful.  A.and    B.or    C.nor    D.but   (2006河南) [解题技巧]  以此立意的试题考查考生能否正确使用并列连词so,for,but,and, or, not only...but also,其中not only...but also并列分句时,第一个分句要倒装。so因此;for因为;but但是;and你就会;or否则的话;not only…but also不仅……而且……。 本题的前后分句之间是否定条件关系“否则的话”,用连词or,选B。 3.连接宾语从句的连词。 (2007黄冈)  -What did you say to your mother just now? -I asked her ________ she cooked for dinner. A. that			B. if			 C. how			D. what		  [解题技巧]  以此立意的试题考查考生能否正确使用连接宾语从句的一组连词that,if/whether,what等。连接宾语从句有四类连词:that(事实);if/whether(不确定是否);特殊疑问(when,where,what等);how/what感叹含义的从句。要根据语境来决定选用哪类连词。 本句的宾语从句是一个表达疑问的信息“是否做饭?”,选B。 4.连接时间状语从句的连词。 (2007福州) -Hurry up. The bus is coming. -Oh, no. We mustn't cross the street______ the traffic lights are green. A. after      B. since    	C. while    	D. until	 [解题技巧]  以此立意的试题考查考生能否正确使用连接时间状语从句的一组连词as soon as, while, until,when,after。as soon as连接主句和从句的动词都应该是短暂动词“一……就……”;while所引导的从句必须是持续动



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