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第I 卷  (选择题  共70分) 
1.A.  B.  C. 
2.A.  B.  C. 
3.A.	 	B.  	C. 
4.A. 	B.  C. 
二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白内容, 从下列各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳选项。(每段对话或独白读两遍)(共14分,每小题1分)
5.What does Kate’s mother do?
A. A teacher.     		B. A worker.   		C. A doctor.
6.Who’s on duty today?
A. Mike.        		B. Jane.     			C. Tom.
7.What are they going to do tomorrow?
A. Go shopping.   	B. Go swimming. 		C. Go camping.
8.Where does the man want to go?
 A. To the railway station.  B. To the hotel.  			C. To the bus stop.  
9.What’s wrong with the girl? 
     A. She’s got a fever.  		B. She’s got a cold.  		C. She’s got a headache. 
10.How long has the girl been like this?
     A. For about two days.  	B. For about three days.  	C. For about four days. 
11.What is the boy doing? 
 A. Having a party.     	B. Writing cards.   		C. Doing some cooking. 
12.When is the girl going to arrive? 
 A. 8:30.             	B. 8:00.          		C. 9:00. 
13.What does the boy ask Jane to do for him?
 A. To help him to learn maths. 		B. To hand in his homework.  
C. To talk with Mrs. Smith.
14.What does the boy think of maths? 
 A. Difficult.        		B. Useful.      			C. Interesting. 
15.When will the girl help the boy to study maths?
 A. Tomorrow.       		B. This week.   			C. This Sunday. 
16.How did the school have a trip to Paris? 
     A. By bus.       		B. By boat.    			C. By train. 
17.Why didn’t Sam play the matches in Scotland? 
     A. He had a fever. 		B. He hurt his knee. 		C. He had a flu.
18.How many interesting things are mentioned in this passage? 
     A. Two       		 	B. Three.         		C. One
语言知识运用  (共28分)
三、单项填空 (共16分,每小题1分)
(   )19.—Is this ______ classroom? 
 —No, it’s theirs. 
A. we   			B. us    		C. our   		D. ours  
(   )20.— What did you do ______ Sunday morning? 
 	—We just stayed at home and watched TV. 
A. on    		B. in    			C. at    			D. for 
(   )21.My parents ______ both teachers. They teach in the same school. 
A. be     		B. am    		C. is   			D. are 
(   )22.—You’d better go home at once ______ your mother will be worried. 
 —All right. 
A. and   		B. or    		C. but   			D. so 
(   )23.—Must I finish writing the article now, Sir? 
—No, you _________. But you must finish it before next class. 
A. can’t     		B. may not    	C. mustn’t    	D. needn’t
(   )24.—Why do you come out so soon? 
—I’m interested in ______ . 
A. something   	B. anything   	C. nothing   		D. everything 
(   )25.—____ umbrella is this?
—It’s mine. 
    A. Whose     	B. Who     		C. What    		D. Which 
(   )26.—What time do you get up every morning?
—At 6 o’clock. But my mother gets up ______ than me. 
A. early      	B. earlier     	C. earliest    	D. the earliest 
(   )27.—Where ________ you spend winter holiday last year? 
— In my hometown.
A. does     		B. will       	C. did     		D. do 
(   )28.—What is Tom doing? 
—He is busy _______ his chair. 
A. mend     		B. mends    		C. to mend   		D. mending 
(   )29.—Would you like some more rice? 
— No, thanks. I __________ enough. 
A. have    		B. am having   	C. have had    	D. will have 
(   )30.Marry likes ______ very much. She plays the piano for two hours every day. 
A. music      	B. art   			C. sport    		D. science 
(   )31.I’ll call you if she _______ to my school tomorrow. 
A. come     		B. comes   		C. will come   	D. came 
(   )32.—What a nice skirt!
—Yes. It ________ in the supermarket yesterday.
A. buy    		B. bought     	C. is bought     	D. was bought 
(   )33.—Do you know ______ yesterday? 
—Her bike was broken on the way. 
A. why is Alice late      	B. why Alice is late 
C. why was Alice late     	D. why Alice was late
(   )34.—Hello. May I speak to Jim, please? 
 A. With pleasure  B. I’d love to   C. Hold on, please  	D. You’re welcome   
四、完形填空 (共12



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