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Go for it (上) Unit 10 SectionA .ppt
教育类型:国产软件 - 小学初中 - 初中英语
教育大小:3.15 MB
更新时间:2012-04-13 09:15:02
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Go for it (上) Unit 10 SectionA .ppt介绍

* *                  Unit 10    Can you play the guitar ?                           (Section A)   课件制作,授课教师:      云南巧家玉屏中学(原巧家五中)                                      潘华祥 1). New  words: 2),Listening practice. 3),Language goal:Talk about abilities A: Can you swim ? B: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 1.dance  2. swim  3.sing  4.play chess 5.paint   6. speak English 7.play the guitar dance swim sing play chess paint speak English play the guitar Look at the pictures, What can he/she do? Unit 10 section                          A Can you play the guitar ?  What can these people do? Match the words and the people. dance  _____ 2. swim _____ 3. sing  ____ 4. play chess _____ 5. paint  _____ 6. speak English ____ 7. play the guitar _____ 1a a e f b d c g 1b Listen and number the conversations [1-3] A: Can you swim ? B: No, I can’t . A: I want to join the art club . B: Can you paint ? A: Yes, I can . A: I want to join the music club . B: Oh, can you sing ? A: Yes, I can . 1 2 3  English club b. art club c. music club d. chess club e. swimming club 2a Listen to these two conversations and circle the clubs you hear. 2b Complete the conversation with the words in the box. Then listen to the first conversation again and check you answers. David: What club ____ you want _____ join?                                 (1)                     (2) Lisa:    We _____  to join the chess _____.                      (3)                                 (4)  David: Can you ______ chess ?                              (5) Lisa:     No, I _____ .                       (6) Joe:       I can .   to    club  want  do  play   can’t do to want club play can’t 2c Groupwork    Write something about what you can do, and what club do you want to join. H o m e w o r k 
Go for it (上) Unit 10 SectionA .ppt



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