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人教版 初二英语 第五单元Self check.ppt
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更新时间:2012-05-04 08:30:48
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人教版 初二英语 第五单元Self check.ppt介绍

3. 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空 8. Mr Li will be mad if we _______(break) the rules. 9. If it _____ (be) cloudy, they ____________(not go)     there by air. 10.Please let us know if he _________ (arrive) tomorrow.       Please let us know if he _________ (arrive) tomorrow.      4. 根据汉语意思, 完成下列句子 * Self check 八年级人教新目标下册 Unit 5  If you go to the party, you’ll   have a good time! I forgot your address. I can’t __________ how to      get to your house ? 2. If I don’t clean my room, my mother won’t      ______ me meet my friends. 3. The teacher ___________ my mobile phone      because I used it in class. 4. I’m going to ________ time with my      grandparents this vacation. 5. Can you ________ the games for the class party? remember let took  away spend organize 1. Fill in the blanks with the words given.  spend  remember  let  organize   take away 2. Complete the sentences using your own ideas. If I get up late tomorrow, _______________________. If I don’t finish my homework, _____________________. If I eat too much lunch, ____________________. If I don’t get enough exercise, __________________. If I am a good cook, _____________________________. If I watch too much TV, _______________________. If I don’t help others, ______________________. I will miss the school bus my teacher will be angry I won’t be strong I will feel sick  I’ll cook delicious food for you I won’t have enough sleep others won’t help me 1. I’m sure if he _____ (go) to the party, he__________      (have) a great time. 2. If the rain _______(stop) tonight, we will go to the      cinema. 3. I’ll buy a computer if I ______(have) enough money. 4. You ___________ (not get) nervous if you _____     (do) enough exercise. goes  will  have stops have  won’t get do 5. If she ____ (be) kind to me, I _____________     (not argue) with her. 6. I want to know if he ________(come) tomorrow,      if he _______(come), I __________(give) the      message to him.  7. If you ______ (pay) more attention to that, he      _________ (not get) injured.   is won’t argue   comes comes  will  give pay  won’t get break  is won’t  go  will arrive   arrives 请告诉我们他明天是否会来。 如果他明天来的话请告诉我们。 11. Shall I say “Hello” when the foreigner _______       (come) into the classroom? 12. He’ll get better grades if he ________ (study )       hard. 13. If you work really hard, you ________        (be) famous and rich.  comes studies will  be 如果你向他请求, 他会帮助你。If you _____ him, he _________ you.   2. 我说那天是星期二, 实际上是星期一。I said it _____Tuesday, but ______ it was Monday.   3. 为了赶火车, 她匆匆做完了她的工作。 ___________ catch the train, she hurried through      her work.  4. 她问那是否够了。She asked ____________ enough.  5. 我们玩得很快乐。We have ______________.   ask will   help was in fact In  order  to if  that  was a  great  time I am _________ England next week.  2. Everyone __________ his foolish words.   3. Jane ___________ the party, and the friends      enjoyed themselves.  4. I met him by _______ in the street.   5. No one is ________ this plan.  chance laugh against organize  leave 5. 用下列词语的正确形式填空  leaving laugh   at organized chance against * 
人教版 初二英语 第五单元Self check.ppt



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