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人教版 七年级下册 第六单元Self check.ppt
教育类型:国产软件 - 小学初中 - 初中英语
教育大小:4.91 MB
更新时间:2012-05-04 08:30:48
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人教版 七年级下册 第六单元Self check.ppt介绍

Ⅱ. 单项选择 1. --What are they doing ?     --They are _____ computer games.     A.  play           B. to play             C. playing 2. --How’s the weather in Shanghai?  --______.     A.  Not bad.      B. It’s sunny.     C. He’s funny. 3. --How’s it going?   --_________.     A. It’s raining.   B. It’s moody.   C. Pretty good. 4. Thank you for ______ me to study English.     A. to help           B. helping           C. help 5. --Do you like the music?     --Yes, it _______ really  beautiful.    A. sounds   B. listens   C. feel   D. sound 6. ______ students like English; ________ like     Chinese in our class.   A. Some, other        B. Others, others    C. Some, the other D. Some, others  7. Everyone in Class 4 ________ TV on Sundays.    A. watches B. to watch C. watching   D. watched 8.Sometimes the ads ___ but don’t tell you anything about the quality of the product.                                               (2010年 青岛)    A. look well             B. sound good     C. taste good           D.seem bad   Ⅳ. 汉译英 1. 天气怎样?  热而潮湿。      2. 你近况怎样?   相当不错。       3. 玛丽正在看电视吗?  不, 在做饭。      * 七年级人教新目标下册 Unit 6 It’s raining! Self check What’s he doing?  He’s walking. What’s she doing? She’s reading. What’s he doing?   He’s running. What’s she doing?  She’s swimming. What’s Tom doing? He’s sleeping. What’s Jane doing? She’s writing. What’s Peter doing? He’s drawing. What’s Ann doing?  She’s drinking.  Let’s learn! Let’s chant! Let’s chant! What do you like to do on … days?  I like to … on …days.  Dear audiences: Today is Wednesday, March 30th. Today is a  sunny day. Tomorrow will be rainy. It will be  cold tomorrow. Please take careful of yourselves. Learning tips: audiences (观众朋友们) take care of yourselves (请你们注意身体) (模仿一段同样的对话) The best weather forcaster windy hot walking playing soccer sunny cold rainy playing the guitar cooking writing a letter  Fill in the chart according to the pictures. 1. It’s ______ (sun)today, but it’s ______ (wind).  2. --Look,What_____they ______?(do)     --They ___________ (play)  tennis. 3. There ___ (be) some milk in the glass. 4. Can he ____(go) shopping with me? 5. Lucy _________ (have) lunch at school now.       She usually _____ (have) lunch at school. sunny windy are doing are playing is go is having has Ⅰ. 根据提示完成句子。 6. It’s _______ (晴朗的) today. The sun is      shining brightly. 7. In spring, the weather is _______ (温暖的)     in Kunming. 8. It often s_____ in the north of China in winter. 9. In Beijing, the weather is not h_____ but dry      in spring. sunny warm umid nows C  B  C  B  A  D   A  B  1. It’s raining now. (改为否定句)     __________________________________. 2. My uncle is playing basketball.      (对划线部分提问)     ___________________________________. 3. It’s snowing in London. (对划线部分提问)     ___________________________________. Ⅲ. 句型转换 It isn’t raining now. What’s your uncle doing? What’s the weather like? --Is Mary watching TV now?  --No. She’s cooking.  --How is the weather?  --It’s hot and humid. --How’s it going? --Pretty good. Homework  1. Copy the new words 4 times. 2. Interview your family members      about the place they want to go      most and the weather there, and      then write a report about it. 3. 汉译英 1) 北京天气如何? 阳光灿烂又暖和! 2) Sarah阿姨是个厨师, 她正在烹饪食物。 3) 他们正在干什么? 他们正在学习。 4) 情况怎么样? 糟糕透了! 5) 欢迎收看中央台环球节目。 6) 许多人在那里度假。 7) 看那一群正在打沙滩排球的人。 8) 对于他们能在这么高的气温下打球我感到     很惊讶。 * 
人教版 七年级下册 第六单元Self check.ppt



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