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U7知识要点 七下.doc
教育类型:国产软件 - 小学初中 - 初中英语
教育大小:97.0 KB
更新时间:2012-04-13 09:15:09
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U7知识要点 七下.doc介绍

look like her mother看起来像她妈妈
sound like a dog听起来像一只小狗
wear glasses戴眼镜
a good-looking girl 一个漂亮的女孩
love telling jokes喜欢讲笑话
a pop singer 一位流行歌手
have a new look 有了一个新的外貌
a long/ round/small face 一张…脸
the captain of the basketball team篮球队长
tell jokes/ stories讲笑话/ 讲故事
make a joke/ jokes with…和某人开玩笑
one of them他们当中一个
one of the students学生中的一个
beautiful long black hair
my favorite musician 我最喜欢的音乐家
be popular with…受到…的欢迎
be popular with her students受到她学生的欢迎
be popular at our school.在我们学校很受欢迎
not… any more不再
nobody knows me没有人认识我
say ‘sorry’ to her对她说道歉
go shopping去购物
go swimming 去游泳
go fishing 去钓鱼
go boating去划船
go camping 去野营
stop to have a break停下去休息
Do you remember me? 你还记得我吗?
be never late for school从不上学迟到
【key structures and language points】
1 What does he look like?...长得什么样?
He’s …(svp结构)
tall/ short/ (of) medium height
thin/ slim/ heavy/ fat/ (of) medium build
He has…(svo结构)
long/ short hair
curly/ straight hair
brown/ blond/ white hair
Jack wears /has a beard. Jack长着胡子。
Jack wears glasses. Jack戴着眼镜。
’t think he is so great.(否定前置)
I don’t think it will rain tomorrow.
3 I can’t remember how to do it.我想不起怎么做了。
Remember to return the book to me.记住把书还我。
But I remember telling you this我记得告诉你这了。
4 She never stop talking.她从不停止讲话。
The teacher is coming, the students stop talking.
You have to stop smoking, it’s bad for your body.
5 He doesn’t wears glasses any more.
She doesn’t wear jeans any more, she wears shorts.
I can’t see him any more.我再也看不到她了。
6 She has a face like a red apple.她的脸像红苹果。
He is wearing a black coat.他穿着黑色的大衣。
Today let me introduce my parents to you.
They are doctors and work in the same hospital. My father is tall and a little bit heavy. He has short straight hair. He likes playing basketball. My mother has long curly hair with two big eyes. She is slim and she likes to wear jeans. They work hard everyday and they are popular in the hospital.
and, with 的用法
He is tall and he has curly hair.
He is tall with curly hair.
Sally is a little bit heavy and she wear glasses.
Sally is a little bit heavy with glasses.
【special difficult】
2 stop doing…停下做(手头上的事)
stop to do…停下来去做(另一件事)…
3 remember doing…记得做过…
4 go+ v-ing去…
5 否定前置
6 介词后置修饰名词
a man with a beard一个有胡子的男人
the shop in front of the bank在银行前面的商店
the pop singer with funny glasses戴着眼镜的流行歌手
I have no money with me.我身上没有带钱。
the coffee with milk 带有牛奶的咖啡
Ruth from New York来自纽约的Ruth
a good person for the job适合这个工作的人。
an Australian girl with a lovely face
  七下U7 知识要点 
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U7知识要点 七下.doc



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