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更新时间:2012-05-06 07:23:37
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一、用所给单词的正确形式填空1. Would you mind ____________ (attend) the meeting instead of me. 
2. ____________ (read) in the sun is bad for your eyes.
3. This kind of pet is too _____________ (hair).
4. He was so tired that he fell fast ______________ (sleep).
5. This question is very __________ (easy), and he can answer it _____________(easy).
6. Wang Hong is the ____________ (win) of the contest.
7. Reading English in the morning is a good way ____________ (learn) English.
8. In the barn there are too many _____________ (mouse).
9. They chose this house _____________ (live) in.
二、用所给词的正确形式填空Last night the first episode(一段情节) of the series(连续剧) BACK TO THE PAST     (be) on Channel 5. It was an interesting science fiction series about a scientist, Professor Spark, and his fantastic(奇异的) time machine. He2      (want) to travel to the future, but something   3  (happen), and he 4       (go) back to the age of the dinosaurs(恐龙). At first, the professor 5    (be) very excited. It was an opportunity(机会) for him to study the Jurassic Period(侏罗纪). The Sparks 6    (see) that he 7    (not have) any food. He8     (not know) how to hunt. how to fish, or how to make a fire. But he 9    (have) his Swiss knife, a box of matches, and … his brain. What do you think he 10    (do)?
三、按要求变换下列句型1. He has given away all the gifts to the children.(否定句)
He _________________________ away all the gifts to the children.
2. They thought he was the best writer in the newspaper.(否定句)
  They ___________________________ he was the best writer in the newspaper.
3. His best friend gave him this present.(对划线部分提问)
  ________________________________ him this present?
4. It’s not creative enough to buy a scarf for my mother.(同义句)
  __________________________________________ a scarf isn’t creative enough.
5. I, have, time, my, do, to , enough, finish, homework, not    (连词成句)
四、单项选择(    )1. — Where are you going? 
—I’m going shopping.
   —___________?    —Certainly.
        A. Will you give me pen           B. Could you get a pen for me 
        C. Can I help you                 D. What are you going to buy
(    )2. John is much better than I________.
       A. to playing chess  B. for playing chess  C. at playing chess  D. in playing chess
(    )3. He has ___________ daughter_______ Mary.
        A. a eight years old , name          B. an eight-years-old , named
        C. an eight-year-old , named         D. a eight-year-old , naming
(    )4. The classroom is very dirty today. It is hard _______.
        A. cleaning        B. to clean it         C. to cleaning        D. to clean
(    )5. I don’t think you are right. So I can’t ________ you.
        A. agree with       B . agree to         C. agree on          D. agree 
(    )6. I’m going to buy a birthday cake.   
        _________?    No. My friend’s daughter.
A. Is it your son                   B. Is it for someone in your family
C. When are going to buy it         D. Is it your birthday
(    )7. Life _______ a pig isn’t always perfect.
        A. of        B. with        C. from        D. to
(    )8. After school he didn’t go home. _______ he went to the Internet café.
        A. But          B. While        C. Instead        D. Instead of
(    )9. In Japan the same gift may ________ to someone else.
        A. give back       B. give away     C. be given back      D. be given away  
(    )10. Is that your eraser?        No, ______ is red. It must be ________.
A. my , somebody else              B. mine , somebody else’s
C. mine , someone else              D. my , someone else’s
(    )11. The contest ________ during Beijing Olympic Games.
        A. will be held        B. was held         C. will be had       D. hold
(    )12. Mary likes to learn words _______.
         A. in heart          B. by heart         C. with heart         D. into heart
(    )13. Mum’s birthday is coming. What about _______ her some flowers?
A. get           B. getting   



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