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更新时间:2012-04-10 09:00:37
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Choose the best answer:
1.I like music_________I can dance to 
A. who   B.whom  C.what  D.that
2.We prefer the singers _______write their own music
A. whose   B.what     C.who    D.which
3.He_______watching  TV________going out  for  a  walk.
4.Mother of reminds me_________not being late for school
A. off   B.about    C.of    D.to
5.I would prefer to stay at home rather than _________to the movies
A. to go   B.go    C.going     D.went
6.It’s a great place _________
A. to visit   B.visit    C.to visiting
7.Geography doesn’t ________me at all
A.interesting    B.interest    C.intetested    D.interests
8.I saw him __________souer on the playground yesterday
A. to play    B.playing    C.play    D.played
9.No matter what you do, you can’t change the situation
A. whoever   B.wherever    C.whatever    D.what ever
10.Beijing is one of the _______in the would today
A.busiest city    B.bisiest cities    C.busy city    D.busy cities
11.Though it was late ,_______he went on with his work
A. but   B.and    C.so    D.\
12.Where would you like ________?
A. to visit   B.visit    C.visiting    D.visited
13.Kunming _______its fine weather ,it’s neither too cold nor too hot all the year round.
A. is famous   B.is famous for    C.is fanous as    D.is fanous
14.Where would you like to go ?-----I like to go _____some day
A. warm somewhete   B.somewhere warm    C.place warm    D.warm place
15.Would you like to go shopping with me on Sunday?
A. Yes please   B.I’d love to    C.No, thanks    
16.Why don’t you consider______paris?
A.to visit    B.visited    C.visiting
17.Would you mind me______next to you?
A. sit   B.sits    C.sitting    D.sat
18.I like places_____the weather is always warm
A.where    B.that    C.who    D.when
19.There letters should provide us _______all the information we need
A. in    B.for    C.with    D.to
20.If I ____you ,I would never do that
A. wete   B.was    C.are    D.am
21.You’d better get up ________possibte________you can catch the early bus
A. as soon as; so that   B.as early as;so that    C.as soon a; in ordet    D.as early as; in order
22.This book is more expensive than________one
A. it   B.this    C.that    D.those
23.Mary likes autumn because the weather is______too hot _______too cold
A. not only----but also   B.both-----and    C.neither…..nor    D.either…..or
24.Must I go out now?   No ,you_____
A. needn’t   B.can’t    C.mustn’t    D.may not
25.He looks sad let’s cheer him____________
A. up   B.out    C.in    D.at
26.I________some clothes to charity because they are too small for me 
A. take after   B.hang out    C.put off    D.give away
27.Now I spend time_________tomorrow.
A. to do   B.doing     C.do    D.did
28.I’m not sure if it _____tomorrow,If it ________,I won’t wash amy clothes
A. rains,rains   B.will tain ,will rain  C.will rain,rains    D.rains,will rain
29.Remember to______the light when you leave your classroom
A. turn on   B.turn off    C. turn up   D.turn down
30.Not only________goodabout helping other people ,but I get to spend time doing what I love to do
A. I feel   B.do I feel    C. I felt   
31.Our math teacher will only give us 5 minutes______this problem
A. find out   B.work out    C.to give out    D.to work out
32.The abacus _____in the sixth century by the chinese
A. imvented   B. was invented   C. is invented
33.Do you know_________?
A. when basketball was invented    B.when was basketball invented
34.The number of foreign players in NBA_________increased
A.have    B.had    C.has    D.having
35.He_____here last night
A. must come   B.must have been    C. must have come
36.The knife is used________cutting
A. to    B.  as  C. by   D.for
37.It is believed______On December 21st 1891,the first basketball game in history was played
A. which   B.what    C.that    D.about
38.The olympic Games ______ every four years.
A. are hold    B. were hold     C. are holding       D. will hold
39. The window ________ ten minutes ago. And the room is bright now.
A. can be cleaned      B. is cleaned  



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