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牛津英语九年级上学期unit1测试三Unit1-2 试卷.doc
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更新时间:2012-05-04 08:33:15
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牛津英语九年级上学期unit1测试三Unit1-2 试卷.doc介绍

回答问题 (6分)
(   )  1.A. Last year      B. every year         C. for ten years
(   )  2.A. Running       B. Surfing           C. Skiing
(   )  3.A. A teacher      B. tall               C. Li Lei’s father
(   )  4.A. By plane       B. By train          C. By bus 
(   )  5.A. Yes. please     B. You are welcome   C. All right 
(   )  6.A. Yes. I am       B.No. I haven’t      C. Last month     
对话理解 (8分)
(   )  7.Where are they talking?
   A. At a cinema     B. At a bus stop    C. In a shop
(   )  8.how old is the man now?
   A. 15             B. 20              C. 25
(   )  9.What does the man mean ?
   A. He’ll buy another kind    B. They don’t have any more tea   
   C. They’ll get some more tea
(   )  10.Why doesn’t the woman want to learn English?
   A. She is ill   B. English is difficult for her    C. She will give it up
(   )  11.Whose bike is it ?
   A. Peter’s         B. Jim’s           C. The girl’s
(   )  12. Who does the boy want to speak to ?
Mary          B. Lucy           C. Lily  
(   )  13. What is the woman going to drink ?
   A. Tea            B. Milk            C. Water 
(   )  14. How many times has the girl been to the Great Wall?
   A. Four times      B. Three times      C. Only twice 
短文理解  (10分)
(   )  15. The woman worries that there are a lot of bad programmes ________.
   A. in films     B. on the Internet   C. on TV
(   )  16. According to the listening, many students wear glasses because they ____.
   A. study too hard   B. read many books  C. watch too much TV
(   )  17. Which of the following is true?__________.
The writer’s children have the same idea with their mother
Reading books can make children think more
There are a lot of good programmes for children on TV
(   )  18. At last , the woman decided to _______.
A. sell the television set  B. write more books   C. buy a pair of glass
(   )  19. This passage is ________.
         A. an interesting story          B. a news report on TV  
C.about a mother’s mind or idea
(   ) 1. The ice was too thin for them _____.
A. to skate on it   B. skating on it   C. to skate on    D. skating on
(   ) 2. This pair of jeans looks nice ___Sandy because she looks very nice___ blue
       A. on; in         B. in; on         C. for; on        D. to; in
(   ) 3. It’s generous _____ them to donate money to UNICEF. They think it important _____ them to help poor children go to school.
       A. to; for         B. for; of      C. of; to        D. of; for
(   ) 4. These are the photos that _____ in Hangzhou.
       A. were taken     B. are taken   C. took         D. I was taken
(   ) 5. When you feel _____ to watch TV by then, you are all right.
       A. enough good     B. enough well   C. well enough   D. good enough
(   ) 6. My brother _____ for half a month.
       A. has been away  B. went away   C. has left    D. left
(   ) 7. Your school things should _____.
       A. be looked after well           B. be looked well after
       C. be taken good care            D. be taken care of well
(   ) 8. I think your bike _____.
       A. needs to fix    B. needs fixing  C. needs to fixing   D. needs fixed
(   ) 9. Would you mind _____?
       A. me to smoke here              B. my smoking at here
       C. me smoking here              D. if I will smoke here
(   ) 10. A _____ lazy man can’t earn _____ money.
        A. too much; too much           B. much too; much too
        C. much too; too many           D. much too; too much
(   ) 11. We spend as much time as we can _____ English.
        A. read         B. to read       C. reading          D. have read
(   ) 13. The food mother cooked _____ very delicious.
        A. is tasted       B. tastes         C. is being tasted   D. to taste
(   ) 14. We’ll keeping on_____ we succeed.
        A. trying after    B. to try before    C. trying until     D. try until
(   ) 15. _____ of the students has an English exercise book.
        A. None         B. Both           C. All            D. Every
(   ) 16. Tom
牛津英语九年级上学期unit1测试三Unit1-2 试卷.doc



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