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更新时间:2012-04-08 08:28:24
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Unit 3  What are you doing for vacation ?
I  Teaching aims
   To talk about future plan
II  Target language 
--- What are you doing for vacation ?
---I ‘m going to my cousin’s house.
--- What is she doing for vacation ?
---She’s going camping.
----What are they doing for vacation ?
----They are going fishing.
---When are you going?
--I’m going on Monday.
III  Difficult points
The usage of be doing
IV  Teaching time : 5 periods
Period 1
I  Teaching aims
Learn to make plans for tomorrow.
Learn new words
II Teaching important points
III Teaching course 
Step 1 Free talk about future plan
Step 2 Teach new words
At home 
      Stay at home= be at home =be  in
get back
go +Ving
eg : go bike riding,   go swimming,  go sightseeing,
   go hiking  go camping
take walks=go for a walk
fishing  eg  go fishing
fish 单复数同形  fishes 指不同种类的鱼
rent   rent sth from sb.
      rent sth to sb.
Plan   planned  planning
.n:  make plans for sb
.v   plan to do sth
think about +.n or doing sth
decide     decide to do sth,     
decide on sth  , 
 decide that+从句
10  need   need to do sth.
                   need doing sth   表示被动意义
Step 3 presentation
     Be doing 结构所表示的将来时态
    常用这种结构的动词 有go ,come, leave, start, begin ,run ,stay ,do, take.
   Step 4 Teach new drill
--- What are you doing for vacation ?
---I ‘m going to my cousin’s house.
Step 5 Homework
  Recite the new words and drills
  Do  p14--2c
  Make conversation on exercise book
               Period 2
I  Teaching aims
  Grammar rules
II  Teaching important points
Grammar focus
III Teaching course 
Step 1 Free talk about future plan
Step 2 Review new words
Step 3 Presentation(Section A  2a 2b 2c)
      Listen to the recording and then fill in the chart
   Step 4  Read the. Grammar focus
   Step 5  3a
        Ask students read the conversation
         Question them with “what, where ,who, how long ”
Step 6 Summary and Homework
recite 3a 
vacation dreams  
imagine your vacation dreams. On a piece of paper ,write what you are doing, when you are going, how long you are staying.
                           Period 3
I  Teaching aims  (Section B 1a 1b2a2b2c3a)
New words (go bike riding, go sightseeing, take walks, go fishing, rent videos)
Read the magazine article
II  Teaching important points
Listening comprehension
III Teaching course 
Step 1 Greet the class and check the homework.
Step 2 Teach new words
     Show new words on the screen and teach new words.
Step 3 Presentation(Section B  1a 1b 2a 2b 2c)
      1a    Read each word and match the picture.
      1b    pair work
      2a    listening  practice using the target language.
      2b    listen  twice , correct the answer 
2c    oral  practice using the target language.
Step 4  Summary and Homework
 Recite p 17—3a
 Listen to the tape, then complete the article about julia’s vacation plans
                    Period 4
I  Teaching aims  
self check 
II Teaching course 
Step 1 Greet the class and check the homework.
Step 2  Survey   ‘week plans’  
    Ask classmates what they are doing this weekend .Write your classmate’s name on the paper.
Step 3 Do p18 part 1,then read it
Step 4  Do P18 part 2 
 Write the schedule for this weekend,answer the questions in your schedule.
Step 5 Let ss tell the class their schedule.
Step 6 HM: 1.Sum main drills and expressions.
         2. Do WB.
                    Period 5
I  Teaching aims: sum up the drills.
II Teaching course 
Step 1 Greet the class
What are you doing for vacation?
 I’m visiting my grandma
What’s he/she doing for vacation?
 He’s /She’s going camping.
Where are they going?
They’re going to Hong kong.
When are they going?
They’re going next week.
How long are they staying?
For four days.
Step 2 sum up the expressions then make sentences.
get back  2. for too long  3. for vacation  4. go bike riding
Step 3 Do listening
Step 4 Do Wb.
Step 5 HM: 1.Learn the words of  Unit 4.



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