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更新时间:2019-12-27 19:54:31
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  B: She_________(cook)dinner in the kitchen now.
2. Listen! Who ___________(sing) ? 
3 A: What_____they ______(do)?     B: They____________(run)on the grass now.
4. Are they_______(fly)kites? Yes ,they are.
5.A:_____the girls______(catch)the butterflies?  B: No, they aren't. They______(pick)up leaves.
6. Bob _________(swim)in the pool now.
7. They are_________(make) a snowman.
8. The boys ___________(take) pictures in the garden now.
9. It's 12:00,the students ______________(have) lunch in the canteen now.
10.My father_________(wash) his car outside now.
11. A:________your brothers ________(play) computer games now? B: Yes,they are.
12. I like_______(dive) and__________(swim).
14.Look! The kangaroo_________(jump) , the panda___________(sleep), the monkeys__________(eat)bananas.
III Choose the right answers.选择答案。
(      ) 1.-What are you going to do this weekend? 
           -I am going ____ my grandmother and grandfather.
          A. visit           B. to visit       C. visiting
(      ) 2.What ____ you want to be?       A. are     B. does      C. do
(      )3. _ _________________________________________________
           _ I’m going to the science museum.
A. What are you going to do this afternoon?  B. What are you doing?
(      )4. _ _________________________________________________   -On foot.
A.Do you go to school by everyday?    B.How do you go to school every day, Helen?
(      )5.. _ _________________________________________________-- I usually read books.
A. What are you doing?   B What do you do in the evening?
IV Choose the right words.选择填空
when   what   where   how   what time   which   who
-______________ are you going? - I am going to the Great Wall.
-_____________ are they going to school?  -They go to school by school bus.
-_____________  are you going to the museum? –Tomorrow afternoon.
-_____________  are we going to buy? –We are going to buy some fruit.
-_____________  is she going with? –She is going to Beijing with her mum.
V.Connect the sentences.连词成句。
you, are, do, to, this, evening, going, what                                                                          
my, clean, going, room, am, to                                                                   
by, am, I going, train                                                                   
visit, are, going, we, aunt, my, to                                                                    
this, theme, park, I’m, to, going, afternoon                                                                   
1.Where are you going this evening?(the cinema)
2.When are you going to take a trip?(tomorrow)
3.How are you going to the US?(plane)                                              




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