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更新时间:2012-03-08 08:46:32
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Cambridge Young Learners English Test
Name____________              Marks___________ 
A. What’s your English name? B. What’s your Chinese name? 
A. How old are you?       B. How old is he?     
A. What color is it?         B. What color do you like?     
A. How many ducks?        B. How many shirts? 
5. A. Have you got a teddy bear?     B. Has she got an umbrella?  
6. A. watermelon     B. grapes     C. mango
7. A. There is a cat on the table      B. There is a cat under the bed
8. A. She has a long hair   B. He has a short hair
9. A. playing soccer   B. playing badminton
10. A. What do you do at school?  B. What are you doing?
二.Drawing lines
1. What’s your hobby?                  They’re flying a kite
2. What’s your favorite sport?             It’s dancing
3. What are you doing?                  Playing basketball
4. Happy birthday!                     Thank you!
5. Can you draw pictures?                Yes, he does
6. Does he like sleeping?                 Next to the kitchen
7. Which one is the living room?           Yes, I can
8. What’s for breakfast?                   How do you do?
 9. How do you go to Lanzhou?              hamburgers
 10. How do you do?                       By bus
三.Summary these words
  Lime kiwi  cucumber sausage  walking crocodile piano tennis coconut giraffe carrot volleyball sock gray brown guitar golf skirt helicopter yellow mutton sofa hippo hockey pants taxi donkey violin shoes bookcase lizard baseball armchair onion motorbike indigo jeans cupboard goat frog jumping
1. Fruits: __________________________________________________
2. Sports: __________________________________________________
3. Animals: ________________________________________________
4. Food:  __________________________________________________
5. Instruments:  _____________________________________________
6. Furniture: _______________________
7. Clothes: __________________________________________________
8. Transportation: _________________________________________
四.Choose the best answer
1. Which school do you go to ?
A. Redwood                  B. And you
2. Is it very hot?
  A. Yes, it is                 B. Yes, he is 
3. How do you get to Beijing?
 A. by train        B. ship        C. helicopter
4. This is an _________. 
 A. sheep       B. horses        C. elephant
5. What is in the sky?
  A. birds       B. water        C. umbrella
6. What’s in your bedroom?
  A. TV          B. fridge(冰箱)    C. lamp
7. Can he ride a horse?
  A. No, he don’t            B. No, he can’t
8. What time does Molly get up?
  A. 6:00            B. 11:30   
9. What color does Ann like best?
  A. purple             B. Black      C. White
10. What’s his hobby?
 A. reading books      B. books      C. seven
11. Please eat some birthday cakes!
A. I don’t know               B. Thank you
12. Who is your father’s father?
 A. father         B. grandfather       C. cousin
13. What are they doing?
 A. They’re talk         B. They talk      C. They’re talking
14. Where’s the computer?
 A. It’s in the water     B. It’s under the bed     
15. What’s for lunch?
 A. eraser       B. sandwiches      C. breakfast
16. Whose bike is it?
 A. Mike      B. Tom        C. John’s
17. How many boys are there in your class?
 A.  /          B. 1000         C. twenty-six
18. Have you got a radio?
 A. No, he haven’t         B. Yes, I have
19. Who is your mother’s brother?
  A. cousin      B. aunt     C. uncle
20. What’s your father’s age?
 A. zero        B. one hundred       C. thirty-six




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