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        广州英语网                                                 答案见 :http://max.book118.com/xxyy/xsc/xscst/ 
                                                    小升初英语试卷 026 
、找出画线部分读音不其他三个丌同的单词。(10 分) 
   (   )   1.   A.   teacher   B.   certainly   C.   sister   D.   brother 
   (   )   2.   A.   earth   B.   near   C.   hear   D.   ear 
   (   )   3.   A.   bowl   B.   snow   C.  now   D.   yellow 
   (   )   4.   A.   page   B.   dog   C.   pig   D.   big 
   (   )   5.   A.   think   B.   third   C.   those   D.   thank 
   (   )   6.   A.   game   B.   table   C.   get   D.   rain 
   (   )   7.   A.   on   B.   office   C.   orange   D.   open 
   (   )   8.   A.   ruler   B.   mum   C.   shut   D.   colour 
   (   )   9.   A.   feet   B.   meat   C.   seven   D.   peach 
   (   )   10.   A.   right   B.   ghost   C.   light   D.   night 
   二、补一个同类词。(5 分) 
   1.   morning,   evening,   _____________ 
   2.   beer,   coffee,   ________________ 
   3.   post,   office,   shop,   ___________ 
   4.   thin,   fat,   _____________ 
    广州英语网                                             答案见 :http://max.book118.com/xxyy/xsc/xscst/ 
5.   cool,   cold,   __________________ 
三、根据汉语要求选择正确的英语句子。(10 分) 
(   )   1.   Bob 相约 Tom 去公园,应该怎么说? 
A.   Can   I   go   to   the   park?   B.   Shall   we   go   to   the   park? 
(   )   2.   Lily ,这是我的朋友。 
A.   Lily,   this   is   my   friend.   B.   Lily,   this   friend   is   my. 
(   )   3.  当别人邀请你一起去郊游时,你说:“太好了!” 
A.   Thank   you!   B.   Great! 
(   )   4.  明天上午我要去买东西。 
A.   I’ll   go   shopping   tomorrow   morning. 
B.   I’ll   do   shopping   tomorrow   morning. 
(   )   5.  当你提醒 Fred 丌要在街上玩足球时说: 
A.   Don’t   play   football   in   the   street,   Fred! 
B.   Not   to   play   football   in   the   street,   Fred! 
四、选择填空。(15 分) 
(   )   1.   Li   Hong   _____   TV   for   two  hours   every   evening. 
A.   watch   B.   watches   C.   watched 
(   )   2.  --- _________   is   he?  ---  He   is   ten. 
     广州英语网                                                     答案见 :http://max.book118.com/xxyy/xsc/xscst/ 
A.   What   B.   Who   C.   How   old 
(   )   3.   Kate   and   Jane   _______   my   good   friends. 
A.   is   B.   am   C.   are 
(   )   4.  --- Where   ________   he   from? 
---  He   _______   from   China. 
A.   is;   come   B.   is;   comes   C.   does;   is 
(   )   5.  --- Where   is   my   pencil? 
--- I   can’t   ______   it. 
A.   look   at   B.   find   C.   look   for 
(   )   6.   We’re   going   to   stay   here   tomorrow.   What   ____   you? 
A.   about   B.   besides   C.   with 
(   )   7.   That   blue   jacket   is   beautiful. 
A.   fine   B.   very   nice   C.   well 
(   )   8.  --- _____   are   these?  ---  They   are   red   pencils. 
A.   What   B.   Where   C.   What   colour 
(   )   9.   My   mother   _______   three   shelves. 
A.   have   B.   has   C.   is 
(   )   10.   The   man   over   there   is   ________. 
     广州英语网                                                   答案见 :http://max.book118.com/xxyy/xsc/xscst/ 
A.   Miss   White   B.  Mrs   White   C.   Mr   White 
(   )   11.  --- _______   kitchen   is   clean?  ----  Mary’s. 
A.   Who’s   B.   Whose   C.   Who 
(   )   12.  --- _______   grade   are   you   in?  ---  Grade   Five. 
A.   Whose   B.   Which   C.   Where 
(   )   13.  --- _______   on   the   river?  ---- There’re   some   ducks. 
A.   What   B.   Which   C.   What’s 
(   )   14.   That   girl   is   my   friend.   ______   name   is   May. 
A.   His   B.   Her   C.   Its 
(   )   15.   Helen   is   behind   me.   I   am   ______   Helen. 
A.   behind   B.   in   front   of   C.   beside 
五、用所给动词的适当形式填空。(10 分) 
1.   Peter’s   father   often   ______   (take)   a   bus   to  go   to   work. 
2.   Look!   They   _______   (play)   happily   in   the   playground. 
3.   Tom   likes   _______   (swim)   in   su



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