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重要商机 美国关于纳米产品增加作物产量的研究.doc
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更新时间:2019-12-27 21:04:47
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重要商机 美国关于纳米产品增加作物产量的研究.doc介绍

If you could improve one aspect of your production what would it be? Would you try to increase yields? Or grow bigger more robust plants? Maybe, you'd like to improve your crop's overall health for the coming season?
With Nano-Gro? you don't have to choose! 
Using the product your plants can experience*: 

And those are just some of the benefits you can anticipate when you begin using Nano-Gro?. With Nano-Gro? plants and produce grow uniformly, so you can have even greater control over the growth process. 
Nano-Gro? is a systemic acquired resistance inducer that works unlike any other primer on the market. It works by delivering information to the plant. Using our proprietary formula, when a plant comes into contact with Nano-Gro? it is compelled to activate a series of natural processes that help the plant achieve its maximum potential.
Because Nano-Gro? is so easy to integrate to your existing maintenance program, it generally requires minimal or no additional energy input. That means there are no special equipment, machinery or nontraditional application processes necessary to use Nano-Gro?. Most importantly, Nano-Gro? can be used for production processes of any scale and can be applied by almost anyone. 
Get to know the more about us and the product by browsing the website. Whether you simply want to know more about Nano-Gro?, or you're looking for a quick guide to using the product yourself, chances are you'll find your answer here. When you're ready to learn more contact us or one of your regional distributors. 

The Agro Nanotechnology Corporation was founded around the principles of optimization and innovation. At Agro Nanotechnology Corp. we believe that the agricultural industry has yet to realize its enormous potential. We can help by introducing products that give our clients the control they need to consistently produce exceptional results.
Agro Nanotechnology Corp. is comprised of six major branches located in Miami, New York, Canada, Russia, Israel and Moldova. It has formed important centers of influence in several countries, where it has established distribution agreements. Some of these are in Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Jamaica, the Caribbean, Italy, Israel, Mexico, Moldavia, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, and the United States. 
The company’s primary focus is its flagship product, Nano-Gro?.? Nano-Gro? is a crop enhancer that uses a the revolutionary new approach of Agro Nanote
重要商机 美国关于纳米产品增加作物产量的研究.doc



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