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Lesson 1  English Is a Crazy Language
 English muffins weren’t invented in England _______    French fries in France.
A. while       B. not      C. either      D. nor
2.  Sweetmeats are candies ______ sweetbread, which aren’t sweet, are meat.
    A. what        B. as       C. which      D. while
3.  We take English for _______.
    A. ground      B. great     C. granted     D. grant
4.  But if we explore its ________, we find that quicksand can work slowly.
   A. parade   B. paraphrases  C. paragraphs  D. Paradoxes
5.  Did you make ______ to Tom for his loss?
   A. mend       B. mind        C. amends      D. amend
6.  You can _______ through the annals of history.
   A. combine     B. comb       C. tomb       D. combat 
7.  If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of _____________of them, what do you call it?
  A. one but all  B. all only one C. all but one D. all besides one
8. Sometimes I think all the English speakers should ___________ to an asylum for verbally insane.
   A. be permitted B. be omitted C. vomited   D. be committed
9.  How can the _________ be hot as hell one day and cold as hell another?
   A. climate    B. whether    C weather      D. climb
10. You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language _________ your house can burn up as it burns down.
   A. what    B. about which    C. of which     D. in which
11. My alarm clock _________ at 6 every morning.
   A. goes on   B. goes off     C. gets up       D. gets out
答案:1D  2D  3C  4 D  5 C  6 B  7C  8D  9C  10 D  11B
Lesson 2  All I Learned in Kindergarten
When you go out into the world, watch for traffic, hold hands and _______ together.
A. stick    B. stuck    C. strike    D. struck
2. Put things back _______ you found them.
  A. what    B. while    C. where    D. which
3. Goldfish and hamsters all die. ___________.
  A. So do us   B. So we do   C. So are we   D. So do we
4. Think of what a better world _________ if we all had cookies and milk about 3 o’clock every afternoon.
A. would it be   B. it would be  C. will it be  D. it going to be
5. It would be a better world if we all ______ with our blankets for a nap.
 A. lay down   B. laid down   C. lain down   D. lied down
6. No matter how old you are, when you go out into the world, it _______ to hold hands and stick together.
 A. would better  B. had better  C. be better  D. is better
答案:1A  2C  3D  4B  5A  6D
 Lesson 3  On Mobile Office
Mobile office is the mutual product of _______, scientific, and social progress.
A. economy   B. economic   C. economics  D. ecology
2. it has become a solution that provide users with ______, prompt, reliable and reasonably priced communications and office faculty.
   A. convenient    B. convention  C. concert  D. convert
3. Using mobile office and WAP technology, people can do their work via ________ such as mobile phone and palm computer.
   A. terms    B. terminals    C. criminal   D. techniques
4.MIP is an important network support technology to ________
   Mobile office.




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