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Money spent on research is almost always a good investment, even when the results of that research are controversial 
1.  总结对方观点,展示自己观点:即:科研投资需要根据自身的需要来进行。重点解决当前急需解决的问题,同时兼顾有助未来发展的问题考博
2.  提出观点:科学研究应该加大投入,列出科学研究给人类带来的好处,最后总结是个好投资,这些研究都解决了人类急需的问题。
3.  反方向论述: 科学是个双刃剑,比如克隆研究,虽然能解决器官移植,但是如果应用到人身上则会引起伦理道德问题,原子弹的研究 和核扩散。最后总结,我们需要考虑科学研究可能带来的负面影响,在投资方面限制或避免负面影响,引导起正面的发展。
4.  不可否认,科学研究和探索是一个不确定的事情,他的结果也自然有时候无法预测。但为了人类的长远发展,人类不能忽略这方面的研究,比如物理方面的研究。物质的物理结构的研究。但是若当时忽略这方面的研究,人类不可用用今天的清洁的核能和核动力。
5.  综述:部分承认作者的观点正确,并且说明由于科学是把双刃剑,我们需要客服或者规避器负面的影响,发挥去正面作用。在科研投资方面重点放在急需解决的问题上,同时也要兼顾未来有科学发张的方面考博.
The speaker claims that it is always a good investment for government to spend money on research, even when the results of that research are controversial. In my view, we should take advantage of it positive aspect and limit or avoid its negative impact. I believe that the research investment should be determined by their owning demand. That is to say that government should focus on current emergency research, and take account of other potential research as well, which may have important impact on future human development or existence.
H0General speaking, money spent on research is a good investment. Human has been being benefit from various science technology fruition and being enjoying them. Due to industrial research, the discovery and the invention of car, train, and planes were generated and enhance our communication distance and conveniences. The appearance of computer abysmal activates our human being and society development. Computer has been penetrated into almost every aspect of our life and exerts enormous function to help us solve much problem and promote our efficiency. Biology field development also proves the power of research. We can easily recombine plant gene structure composition to improve plant product quality or elevate product yield. By exploring the unknown filed of nature, research can make the world a better place to live in, improve human health and life quality, and at the same time, is very profitable. As long as research is beneficial, it is obviously a good investment.
However, research is a two-edged sword. While research is exerting it positive function, its negative influence also is generated sometimes and might be harmful to human or encumber our development. We ever went to rapture for the birth of clone sheep Doli. Because the clone technology proved that celluar totipotency is also true in animal beside from plant and may be applied to solve bottleneck of scarcity of our human organic. Nevertheless, the technology should be banned when its purpose is to clone human and create a new copy, in that it conflicts with our human morality and may lead our society into chaos. Atomic technology generates our desirable clean energy, and ameliorate our energy crisis in some extent as well. However, it inevitable brings horrible radical pollution problem which is lethal to our human health. Moreover, if the technology spread everywhere without any restriction, it may become 




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