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英 语 试 题.
 试题说明: 本试卷分听力和笔试两部分, 考试时间: 120分钟, 满分: 100分.
第一部分: 听力题 (20分) 
1      2          3      4       5              
(   )6. A. Yes,  I  do.    B .  No, he  doesn’t.        C. Yes,  he  does.
(   )7 . A. Very  much.      B . That  sounds  good.      C.  Thank  you.
(   )8. A. It’s  play  it.      B . It’s  interesting.      C. It’s  on  the  desk.
(   )9. A.  She  has  a  watch.         B . He  has  a  ball. 
         C.  I  have  a  ping-pong  ball.
(   )10. A.  Yes, I  do.    B. No, I  don’t.        C . In  my  drawer.
(   )11. Does Sonia have a ping-pong bat?
       A、 Yes, she does.      B 、No, she doesn’t.      C 、No, I don’t.
(   )12、Does the boy have a baseball?
        A、Yes, he does.       B、No, I don’t.          C 、No, he doesn’t.
(   )13、Her parents have_soccer balls.
        A. 12                 B、3                     C、15
(   )14、What does the boy. have?
        A、 A baseball    B 、A tennis ball.  C 、A basketball and a tennis racket.
(   )15 、Who watches TV every day?
      A.、 The boy.     B、The girl.      C 、The girl’s sister.
My name is Kitty. I have a great collection of(16)     ___things. My brother is  Mike, and he has a small(17)      ___collection. l have  seven([8)        ,ten pencils, nine rulers and(19)     ____pens inmy backpack. My brother  has two baseballs, four soccer balls and five  basketballs (20)       ___his bed. 
第二部分: 笔试题 ( 80分)
一. 单项选择(20分):
(    )1.------Do your friends have any story books?  ----- No, they _________.
     A. aren’t                     B. not have         C. don’t  
(    )2. This is _____ English book and that is _____ Chinese book.
      A. a , a                        B. the , the                C. an, a
(    )3. ----- Excuse me! Are you Karen?   ------_________-----Oh, good.
      A. I’m not Karen.              B. Yes, I’m Jim             C. Yes , I am
(    )4. I _______ her name.
      A. not know                    B. do know not            C. don’t know
(    )5. -------Do you have a ball?       ---------Yes , _________.   
      A. I don’t                      B. I am                    C. I do
(    )6. -----Does she ______ brother or sister?
      A. has                         B. have                    C.  to have
(    )7. _______! They  are over there.( 那儿)
      A. see                         B. Look                    C. look at
(    )8.______ , do you have a pencil?
      A. Excuse me                   B. Sorry                  C. Hello
(    )9. ----- Are these your grandparents?     ------_________________.
      A.  Yes, these are           B. Yes , they are        C. No, they are
(    )10. That’s _______ pencil.
      A. a my                         B. my a                  C. my
(    )11.------Is this girl your friend?      -------_________.
      A. Yes , it is                      B. Yes, she is              C. Yes, he is
(    )12. -----Where’re your books?      ------_________.
      A. They in my backpack   B. They ‘re in the backpack   C. It’s in my the backpack
(    )13______ is my friend.  ______ name is Peter.
      A. This , His                    B. He, Her                 C. This , He
(    )14.-----What’s that?     --------- _________ a baseball.
      A. That is                       B. It’s                     C. It
(    )15. Look at the _______.  They are mine(我的).
      A. photoes                       B. photo                  C. photos
(    )16. -----How is your teacher today?     ------______________
A. I’m fine, thank you.          B. She is fine, thanks.   C. He is good, thanks.          
(    )17. You and I ______ students in this school.
A. are               B. is             C. am     
(    )18. ------Miss Gao.    _____ are my father and my mother.
         ------How do you do?
         ------How do you do?
A. These               B. This              C. Thos



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