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(	)5. Please write and __________                me  about yourself.		A. speak			B. tell			C. ask			D. talk(	)6. There ____________ a bank                and  two pay phones near here.		A. has			B. have			C. are			D. is(	)7. The supermarket is __________  the post office and the library.		A. next			B. across			C. between		D. in front (	)8. Thank you for _____________me the way to the post office.		A. telling			B. to tell			C. asking			D. to ask(	)9. Do you want to__________ us?		A. play			B. wait			C. listen		D. work for(	)10. --- Are you __________on   weekends?    --- Yes, I am.		A. hungry		B. relaxing		C. relaxed	      D.surprised * Unit 2 revision 1.在这儿附近 2.在附近 3.在中心大街 4.在邮电局对面 5.紧挨着公共电话 6.在图书馆和餐馆之间 7.在超市前面 8.在教室的前部 near here=around here in the neighborhood on Center Street across from the post office next to the pay phone  between the library  and   the restaurant in front of the supermarket in the front of the classroom Some sayings for giving directions 9.在右边 10.在旅馆的右边 11.在左边 12.在他们的左边 13.直走 14.沿着大桥街走    on the right  on the right of the hotel  on the left  on their left go/walk straight   go/walk up the Bridge Street= go/walk down the Bridge Street  Unit 2 sb72nd 15.沿着中心街直走 16.过桥/过街  17.穿过第六街 18.向右转 19.在新公园向左转 20.旅馆在大桥街的右边。  go straight down Center Street go across the bridge/street= cross (v.) the bridge/street go through Sixth Avenue turn right turn left  at New Park The hotel is down Bridge Street on the right. = The hotel is on the right of Bridge Street. Unit 2 sb72nd 21.非常喜欢他们  22.有花园的房子 23.花园之旅的开端 24.玩得很开心   25.有点饿 26.喜爱做某事      like them very much/                      a lot  a house with a garden  the beginning of the garden tour  have fun=  have a good time=  enjoy oneself be a little hungry enjoy doing sth.  Unit 2 sb72nd 27.散步 28.下个星期日 29.让他们向右转 30.告诉我们你的生      日 31.去某地的路 32.乘出租车     乘出租车去某地     从某地乘出租车 33.旅途愉快      take/have a walk  next Sunday  let them turn right  tell us your birthday   the way to sp.  take a taxi  take a taxi to sp.  take a taxi from sp.  have a good trip  Unit 2 sb72nd  34.一个有趣的花园 35.欢迎来到我市 36.开门 37.开着  38. 24小时营业 39.打扫屋子 40.到达上海         an interesting garden welcome to our city  open the door be open open 24 hours clean the house arrive in Shanghai = get to Shanghai Unit 2 sb72nd 41.到达旅馆  42.到达家里  43.经过一间大超市 44.一个玩乐的好地     方 45.做某事很愉快 46.一个大眼睛的女孩  arrive at the hotel =  get to the hotel  arrive home=  get home  pass a big supermarket a good place to do sth.  have fun doing sth. a girl with big eyes Unit 2 sb72nd 47.在第三个路口向左转   48.如果你饿了,你可以在超市买食物。   49.当你见到一个大的超市时,向左拐。   turn left at the third crossing/turning=  take the third turning on the left  If you are hungry, you can buy some food in the supermarket.  Turn left when you see a big supermarket.  Unit 2 sb72nd 在桌子下有一本书。  在书橱里有一些书。  在地上有一个篮球。  在椅子旁边有一些篮球。  在门的后边有一个书包。  在小汽车的前边有一些小孩。 There is   a book  under the table (desk).  some books There are  in the bookcase.  a basketball There is  on the floor.  some basketballs There are  near the chair.  a backpack There is  behind the door.  some kids There are  in front of the car. 在梳妆台上没有手表.  在抽屉里没有(一些)字典.  在附近没有邮局.  在超市的对面没有饭馆.  在第六条大街上没有银行.  在我们学校没有外国学生. There isn’t a watch on the dresser. There aren’t any dictionaries in the drawer. There isn’t a post office in the neighborhood. There isn’t a restaurant across from the supermarket. There isn’t a bank on the Sixth Avenue. There aren’t any foreign students in our school. 在图书馆旁边有一个投币电话吗?  在第五条大街上有一家超市吗?  在你家附近有宾馆吗?  在宾馆对面有银行吗?  在邮局后边有饭馆吗?  在你家有兄弟姐妹?吗? Is there a pay phone next to the library? Is there a supermarket on Fifth Avenue? Is there a hotel near your home? Is there a bank across from the hotel? Is there a restaurant behind the post office? Are there any brothers and sisters in your family? 教室的前部没有教师.  教室前没有树(tree).  在小汽车的前边有一位司机.  在小汽车的前面有一位学生.  我站在你们的前边.  我站在教室的前部. There ____a teacher___________ the classroom. There ________trees ___________the classroom. There is a driver______________ the car. There is a student _____________ the car. I’m standing _____________ you. I am standing ____________ the classroo



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