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目  录	1
第二部分 阅读判断	14
第三部分 概括大意与完成句子	54
第四部分 阅读理解	100
第五部分 补全短文	224
第六部分 完型填空	249
教材习题参考答案	273
第一部分 词汇选项
每组词汇学习有15道小题。在每道题的句子里都有一个加底线的词或短语, 请在四个选项中找出与加底线的词或短语意义最相近的一项。
1. We should not complain about taxes.
  A)feel unhappy  B)say bad things   	C)care  				D)praise
2. What were the effects of the decision she made?
  A)reasons  			B)results  			C)causes  			D)bases
3. People don’t realize how serious this recession has actually been.
  A)know  				B)think  			C)doubt  			D)remember
4. First editions of certain popular books cannot be obtained for love or money.
  A)at any place  			B)at any price  		C)in any language  	D)in any country
5. About a quarter of the workers in the United States are employed in factories.
  A)third  				B)fourth  			C)tenth  				D)fifteenth
6. In a bullfight, it is the movement, not the color, of objects that arouses the bull.
  A)confuses  			B)excites  			C)scares  			D)divert
7. Passenger ships and planes are often equipped with ship to shore or air to land radio telephones.
  A)highways  			B)railroads  			C)sailboats  			D)aircraft
8. The firemen acted quickly because lives were at stake.
  A)in danger  			B)in despair  			C)out of condition  	D)out of danger
9. Mary called me up very late last night.
  A)shouted at me  		B)visited me  		C)telephoned  		D)waked me
10. Mary gets up at the same time every morning.
  A)arises  				B)raises  			C)arrives  			D)stands up
11. Helen will leave immediately.
  A)far away  			B)right away  		C)right here  			D)soon
12. Susan is looking for the dictionary, which she lost yesterday.
  A)finding  				B)looking up  		C)looking at  		D)trying to find
13. John talked over the new job offer with his wife.
  A)discussed  			B)mentioned  		C)accepted  			D)rejected
14. While I sympathize, I can't really do very much to help.
  A)When  				B)But  				C)Although  			D)Where
15. A beautiful woman attended to me in that store yesterday.
  A)waited on  			B)talked to  			C)spoke to  			D)stayed with
词汇学习 二
1. America’s emphasis on the importance of education for everyone has spurred scientific research.
  A)encouraged  			B)endangered  		C)endorsed  			D)enlarged
2. Photojournalist Margaret White became famous for her coverage of significant events during the Second World War.
  A)baggage  			B)orphanage  		C)reportage  			D)usage
3. Below 600 feet ocean waters range from dimly lit to completely dark.
  A)inadequately  		B)hardly  			C)faintly  			D)sufficiently
4.揑u’m not meddling”, Mary said mildly,“I’m just curious”.
  A)gently  				B)shyly  			C)weakly  			D)sweetly
5. In 1861 it seemed inevitable that the Southern states would break away from the Union.
  A)strange  				B)certain  			C)inconsistent  		D)proper
6. Many of novelist Carson McCullers characters are isolated, disappointed people.
  A)solitary  			B)gloomy  			C)feeble  			D)frugal
7. The workers finally called off the strike.
  A)put off  				B)ended




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