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更新时间:2019-12-27 19:49:59
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第Ⅰ卷(选择题  共60分)
听下面的对话,根据你所听到的内容,从所给的A、B、C个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6~题。’s birthday?
A. The next day.    B. The day after next.    C. The day they had the talk.
7. What will the man and the woman buy for Alice?
A. A record.    B. Some flowers.    C.  A box of chocolates.
8. Where are they going to buy for Alice’s birthday present?
A. To the food shop    B. To the flower shop.    C. To the music shop.
听第7段材料,回答第~11题。man from the Golden TV interviewing on?
A. People’s viewing habits      B. Students’ favourite subjects      C. Teenagers’ problems
10. What is the student’s first choice?
A. News Channel      B. Discovery Channel    C. Film Channel
11. Why does his mother often forget to cook dinners?
A. Because she is always forgetting things. 
B. Because she is tired and does not want to.
C. Because she is deeply moved by the nice film.
听第8段材料,回答第1~15题。’s going to be held in the museum?
A. A lecture on stars.     B. An exhibition of computers.       C. A charity show.
15. What is Ben going to do first?
A. To buy the tickets.    B. To go there at once.     C. To wait in lines.
16. ________ are good seasons for outdoor activities.
A. Autumn and winter       B. Summer and autumn         C. Spring and autumn 
17.It is important that you should take ______ in order to give simple medical treatment to someone in great need as soon as possible.
A. a tent and sleeping bags    B. a first-aid box      C. food and drinks
18. When hiking in a group, young people have a good chance to ______ .
A. enjoy the beautiful view      B. learn team spirit       C. know how to cure a snake bite
19. If you see a snake nearby during the hiking, you should ______ .
A. run away as fast as possible     B. fight with it      C. wait quietly for it to go away
20. You should ______ to stop the poison from spreading to other parts of the body if you or someone else is bitten. Then you should send for help.
A. move the victim to a hospital   B. wash the wounded(受伤的)part  C. tie something round the bite
从A、B、CD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。--Which would you like, a cup of tea or a glass of milk?
-- ______. I think I'll just have a glass of water.
A. Both        B. Neither        C. None              D. Either
23. –Which do you think is ____ important, air tank, space suit or digital camera for an astronaut?
   --I think the digital camera.
A. less          B. the most         C. more        D. the least
24. Do you know ____ will repair the robot that went wrong?
A. whether    B. where    C. who          D. why
25. Amy prefers ____ at home to ____ out at the weekends.
A. staying; going       B. stay; going        C. staying; go    D. stay; go
26. ---Why not come and join us in the game, Linda?
--- __________, but I have something to discuss with Mr Smith at his office now.
A. Let's go    B. I'd like to         C. Yes, please        D. It's a pleasure
27. I don’t know if it ____ tomorrow. If it ____, we’ll go out for a picnic.
A. will rain; won’t rain                B. rains; doesn’t rain 
C. rains; won’t rain                   D. will rain; doesn’t rain
28. --I do a lot of exercise, eat___   vegetables and ____  _meat than I did last year.
--That’s why you’re getting thinner. 
A. fewer; more    B. more; less        C. less; more         D. many; much
29. When I came inside the office, they ____ a party for the coming festival.
A. planned       B. were planning         C. plan         D. have planned
30. It is impossible ____ her ____ the work in half an hour.
A. for; finish   B. C. for; to finish  D. of; to finish
31. I wanted to help those homeless children in the flooded areas,  ____ I donated my pocket money that I had saved for two months.
   A. so    B. because        C. since   D. for
32. Audrey Hepburn ____ dancing and focused on acting after her first successful movie.
   A. gave in     B. gave off      C. gave out        D. gave up
33. --



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