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My new friend教案.doc
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更新时间:2019-12-27 19:17:22
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My new friend教案.doc介绍

My new friend教案
PEP Book Unit4 B Let’s read
知识目标:能够听、说、认读句子:They are very different.
重点:理解阅读Let’s read中的语篇
?卡纸、 彩笔、 图画、课件
Teaching design 
Step 1 Preparation
1.????? Warm up
1)??????????? Ss hold out hands together in each group and say loudly
?“ We are friends!”
2)?? Play a game “ Concentration ! one, two!”
〔做游戏,激发学生学习热情,活跃课堂气氛,为本课话题作铺垫 〕
2. Free talk
T: I’m new here, I’m excited, very excited. Let’s be good friends, Ok?
Ss: Ok!
T: What does he like?\How does she go to school?\Does he… everyday?
Step2 Pre-reading
??Teach:? twins?? same?? different 
T: Now, you have many friends, I have a good friend too.
T: Now, Look ! Who is he?
Ss: It’s you.
T: No! No! He’s my twin brother. We are twins. 
T:Look at me, Am I handsome?? Is he handsome too,?
Ss: Yes, 
T: Thank you, I think I am handsome today.
?We look the same, 
〔设计意图:创设趣味情景,师通过展示一个自己哥哥的卡通漫画形象,突破障碍教授twins,并通过相貌、职业等比较引出same和different,并通过小Chant进行趣味操练, 扫除阅读障碍〕
Step 3 In-reading
T: This is my friend, here comes another friend liu Yun. Let’s watch and listen. (课件出示刘云)
T: Do you want to know her friend? 
Ss: Yes.
(一)?????????? General reading
Read and circle.
T: please read it quickly and circle Liu Yun’s new friend and her family members.
T: Check the answers and designs the board.(黑板出示四位人物像)
??? ?(二) Detailed reading
1. Read and underline
Read paragraph 1and 2,then find the difference between father and mother (指导学生阅读策略,划线形式)
T checks Ss’ task and designs the board with Ss together.
? 2. Read and finish the chart
Read paragraph3,find the difference between Alice and Ann and finish the chart.(指导学生找关键信息,填表格)
? T checks their understandings and designs the board with Ss together. 
3. Read and answer
Read the text carefully and answer the following questions in groups.
4. Listen and repeat听音正音 
5. Read aloud. 培养朗读能力增强语感 
Step 4 Post reading
1.????? Retell
?T: Now,class, let’s recall something about Alice and her family. First let’s say together.
Then you can choose any one of them to retell.
(设计意图: 以复述的形式让学生加深对文本的理解,整体复述和个体复述结合)
2.Write an email
Step 5 Progress
1. Watch and think : what can we do for friends?(课件呈现)
2. Chant.? (课件呈现)
We? are? friends, 
?Friends, friends,? friends!
???? We help each other,
???? Help each other! 
?Remember!? Remember!
?Friendship? forever! Forever!
(设计意图:总结话题主题,回应热身时主题“We are friends”, 起首尾呼应的效果)

My new friend教案.doc



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