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Chapter 11   Leadership §11.1 Definition                              the ability & process to influence a group toward the achievement of goals                                                           not all leaders are managers;nor,for that matter,are all managers leaders Difference between management & leadership attitudes towards goals: Managers tend to adopt impersonal,leaders take a personal & active.      Work view:an enabling process involving --,temperamentally disposed to seek out risk & danger.                                                               Prefer to work with people,concerned with ideas management coping with complexity,leader coping with change,developing a vision of the future; most firms are underled & overmanaged Transition in leadership theories What makes an effective leader the 1st approach sought to find universal personality traits that leaders had to some great degree than nonleaders explain leadership in terms of the behavior a person engaged in   “false starts” based on their  erroneous conception Contingency models to explain the inadequacies of previous leadership attempting to identify the set of traits that people implicitly refer to as a leader      §11. 2  Trait theories                            1930s by psychologists Theories seeking personality,social,physical, or intellectual traits differentiating leaders from nonleaders Identify traits consistently associated with leader:     ambition & energy,the desire to lead,honesty & integrity, self-confidence, intelligence,job-related knowledge isolating traits resulted in dead ends,4 reason:          overlooks the needs of followers;fails to clarify the relative importance;doesn’t separate cause from effect;ignore situational factors Chapter 11   Leadership §11.3  Behavioral theories               the late 1940s--mid-1960s                           Theories proposing that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from nonleaders       trait research were successful,then leader is basically inborn, would have provided a basis for selecting the right “leader”                            behavior theories were valid,we could teach people to be leaders,training     1.Ohio State studies                        in the late 1940s Identify independent dimensions of leader behavior.  beginning with over 1000 dimensions initiating structure:the extent to which a leader is likely to define & structure his role & those of subordinates in the search for goal attainment;           high on it lead to greater rates of grievances, absenteeism,& turnover & lower levels of job satisfaction for workers performing routine tasks.  consideration: --have job relationships characterized by mutual trust,respect for subordinates’ ideas,& regard for their feelings.                               Negatively related to performance ratings of  the leader by his superior  “high--high” leader tended to achieve high performance & satisfaction more frequently than those;  2. University of Michigan studies Employee-oriented leader:emphasizes interpersonal relatio




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