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Introduction to Aspen Plus Aspen Plus 11 Update for Version 10 Users Aspen Technology, Inc. Course Agenda (1) User Interface – Show improvements to the graphical user interface, including block and stream handling Basic Input – Look at enhancements to Setup options, Components, and Physical Properties Unit Operations – Review enhancements to columns, heat exchangers, and reactors; plus new manipulator blocks File Handling – Illustrate new open, import, and export capabilities  Course Agenda (2) Sequential Modular (SM) Simulation – Run flowsheets in SM mode Introduction to Equation Oriented (EO) Modeling – Compare EO and SM solution strategies Basic EO Functionality – Demonstrate the basic features of EO modeling, including Spec groups and EO input Heat Integration – Create component groups, flowsheet sections, and user connections Troubleshooting EO Simulations – Troubleshoot common errors in EO simulation Equation Oriented Optimization – Optimize a profit function  User Interface Aspen Plus? 11 Update for Version 10 Users Simulation Templates Three new Simulation templates are provided: Aspen IPE Stream Properties  Includes three expanded property sets Polymer with English and Metric units of measurement Includes POLYMER and SEGMENT databanks from Polymers Plus Polymers Process type offers eight physical property methods No predefined Property sets  Refinery Templates (1) The new Refinery tab includes templates that allow for the integration of advanced refinery models, such as FCC, catalytic reformer, and hydrotreater in an Aspen Plus flowsheet.  Refinery Templates (2) Pre-set Components: Common components, such as H2O, N2, C1…C8, or aromatics  Re-order databank search list, beginning with ETHYLENE An incomplete assay named CRUDE Henry Comps group HENRY-1, if applicable Physical Properties options: Pre-selected Base Method, or Make recommendations for a specific unit modeling such as vacuum units; if a specific component such as H2 is present; or you have very heavy crudes New property sets that report properties unique to petroleum mixtures Toolbars The Detherm Internet toolbar button displays adifferent graphic in version 11.1 to reflect changes in the graphical user interface; functionality is the same.  Version 11.1 provides a brand new EO shortcuts toolbar, which displays buttons for the most common actions related to Equation Oriented modeling. Model Library Aspen Plus version 11.1 offers a completely new look: Model Library block icons are displayed as three-dimensional objects as they are in the Process Flowsheet Diagram as well. The default block icons are no longer strictly a square with a description label. You have the capability to turn off the 3D look and view the icons strictly in two dimensions. You can change and save icons as defaults. Simulation Tool Options (1) There are three new sheets in the Tools Options dialog box. These are: Styles Online Upward Compatibility  Open this dialog box by selecting Tools/Options from the menu bar  Changes made in this dialog box become global defaults 



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