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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    According  to  a legend ,in the 3rd century ,the Roman emperor thought that married men didn’t like to leave home and stay in the army .So he gave the order that men were prohibited from getting married .But Pope Valentine kept presiding wedding ceremonies secretly for many young couples against the emperor’s order .For being against the king’s order ,he was honored as a patron saint of lovers on that day . The origin of Valentine's Day. Historians thinks that it was a third-century Christian martyr ,a young man who was imprisoned in Rome for refusing to worship pagan gods. According to legend ,Valentine made friends with many children and before he was beheaded on February 14 ,he restored the eyesight of his jailer’s blind daughter .Then he sent her a farewell letter signed , “From your Valentine.” This phrase is now a common expression of affection that appears on many of the holiday ‘s greeting cards. Various Valentine' day 1.diary day    ?日记情人节   ,情侣们互相赠送恋爱日记 ? 2.white day? ?白色情人节     男孩回赠礼物的日子 3.black day ? 黑色情人节     属于单身贵族们的情人节 4.yellow and rose day? ?黄色与玫瑰情人节在这一天穿上黄色衣服,吃黄色咖喱饭是告诉大家你还在单身的意思,另外,在这一天送红玫瑰是倾诉爱意,送白玫瑰是表示犹豫未决,若送上黄玫瑰,就表示再见了  5.kiss day  ?亲吻情人节      ,情侣们用亲吻表达对对方的爱意 6.silver day? ?银色情人节    ,把你的意中人带回家让父母认识的好机会 7.green day? ?绿色情人节       ,酷热的夏天,不妨和另一半做一趟凉爽的森林之旅 8.music day and photo day  ?音乐情人节与相片情人节   ,是举办大型社交活动的好日子,另外还有许多情侣在这天就蔚蓝晴朗的天空合影,所以又称为"相片情人节  9.wine day? ?葡萄酒情人节    当然是喝一点葡萄美酒拉 10.orange day and movie day? ?橙色情人节与电影情人节     ,这一天情侣们可以连赶两场电影,看完后.来杯柳橙汁吧 11.hug day ? ?拥抱情人节    在公开场合拥抱.向世人宣告你俩的爱意 12 .love in the internet  网络情人节??意为对网络情感的纪念 Chinese Valentine' day  谢谢观看! * * * * * * Valentine’s day Valentine’s day 1. What is valentine’s day  2. The origin of Valentine's Day. 3. Various Valentine' day 4. Chinese Valentine' day 5.How to celebrate valentine' day  6. Love Quotes February 14 is valentine' day. valentine' day  is a festival of romance and affection ,honoring lovers ,and is an interesting combination of pagan and Christian influences. It’s a holiday for lovers, husbands and wives ,children ,and anyone else who wants to remember this day.   What’s valentine' day pagan  [‘peig?n]  n. 异教徒,无宗教信仰者   adj. 异教的,异教徒的,无宗教信仰的	 ★ Christian  ['krist??n] n. 基督徒adj. 基督教的,基督徒的  The origin of Valentine's Day.?   One   story  tells   that   some   of  the   day’s   customs   probably   derive  from  an   ancient   Roman   holiday   called   Lupercalia  During  the Lupercalia  festival   young   women   dropped    poems  bearing   their names  into   a   large   vase . Each   young  man   picked   a   name  from the   vase  to  find   his  sweetheart  for  that year .  There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day.?   During   the  Middle Age  church   leaders  want




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