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湖南省         学校
教 案 本
课程名称:     小学英语教学论    
任课教师:      傅 小 平          
系    部:      外 语 系          
教 研 室:      综    合          
专业班级:      08级英本4、5、6班    
课  题	ntroduction	计划
时数	2	授课
类型	Lecture		教  学
目  的	o discuss some general matters about language learning and teaching, such as common views on language and language learning, qualities of a good language teacher		教  学
重  点	W		教  学
难  点	language learning		主要内容	
12. How do we learn language?
3. Views on language
4. Views on language learning
  程	Step 1 Leading inStep 2 Presentation 
1.What methodology is
 It studies the laws and the nature of English teaching. It deals with the theory and practice of English teaching, such. as objectives (aims) and methods, basical principles, how to cultivate the language skills. It is supported by many many sciences:linguistics pedagogy psychology and phylosophy
英语教学法:  linguistics 
From above ,we know methodology is a science.It studies the nature and the laws of English teaching.It deals with the theory and practice of English teaching.It helps young teachers to decide who to teach and what to teach and how to teach, how to learn, why to teach and whom to teach. So it is intended as a guide for teachers and student-teachers of English as a foreign language.
Who to teach
How to teach
What to teach
Why to teach
2.How do we learn language?
Much of human behaviour is influenced by personal experience. The way language teachers teach in the classroom is influenced by the way they learned languages. This is especially true in foreign language teaching.
(1)How do we learn our own language?(CB:P1)
Research into L1 shows that the most important factor for L1 development is when children are interacting with people around them and when they are experimenting with the language for communication. Therefore, Language learning is a socializing process, and interaction and experimenting with the language in communication are very important factors for language development.
2. How do we learn foreign language? (CB:P3)
we may have found that:
(1) People learn language for different reasons.
(2) People learn language in different ways.
(3) People have different understanding about language learning.
(4) People have different capabilities in language lea
In the past century, language teaching and learning practices have been influenced by three different views of language, namely, the structural view, the functional view and the interactional view. Different views on language generate different teaching methodologies.
(2) People learn language in different ways.
(3) People have different understanding about language learning.
(4) People have different capabilities in language learning 
3.Views on language
What is language?
2.  Different views on language.
In the past century, language teaching and learning practices have been influenced by three different views of language, namely, the structural view, the functional view and the interactional view. Different views on language generate different teaching methodologies.
Structural View:  It sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystem: from phonological, morphological, lexical, etc. to sentence. Each language has a finite number of such structural items. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language.
Functional View : it sees language as a linguistic system but also as a means for doing things. Most of our day-to-day language use involves functional activities: offering, suggesting, advising, apologizing, etc. Therefore, learners learn a language in order to do things with it. To perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions.
Interactional view: It considers language as a communicative tool, whose main use is to build up and maintain socia



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