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更新时间:2019-12-27 19:36:04
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A.看图说词Catalogue Australia diving mineral water actress hotel stream beetle combB.朗读儿歌I often sitand wish that ICould be a kite up in the sky;And ride upon the breeze and goTo any place Iwant to blow.C.听说相反1.That's a small hospital.2.How dirty the class room is.3.What time does the metro finish everyday?4.Don't open the window,please.5.The actress is wearing anewdress.D.听听做做道具:一本书,一支笔Are you ready? Now let's begin.Take a piece of paper out of the book.Then draw a square on the top right-hand corner of the paper.Draw a star under the square,with one line connect the shapes,write your name on the bottom of the paper.Then put another paper into the book.[!--empirenews.page--]E.快听快答1.What do you usually do on Teacher's Day?2.Where does your best friend live?3.Which football-player do you like best?4.How many hours are there in a day?5.Can we listen to the music with the walk-man?6.What color are lemons?7.Would you like to swimming withus on Sunday?F.看图问答1.How many people are there in the picture?2.Which season is it in the picture?3.How old is the baby?4.What color is the mother's skirt?5.Is there a birthday cake on the table?G.看看说说说一个毛绒玩具兔说一个毛绒玩具兔		通用少儿英语二星口语考试复习资料(1)听听做做
教材——D听听做做教材——D听听做做共3部分听听做做所需要道具:Set 1道具:一块白板,一个白板擦,一只盒子,内有彩色水笔三支(红、黑、蓝)。Set 2道具:一个盒子,内有可乐、芬达、雪碧各一罐。Set 3道具:一块白板,一个白板擦,一只盒子,内有彩色水笔三支(红、黑、蓝)。Set 4道具:一块黑板,一个黑板擦,一只盒子,内有彩色粉笔数支(红、黄、蓝、白)。Set 5道具:两只盒子(一大一小),盒内有数只三种颜色的小球(红、白、橘红)。D: 听听做做(录音文字稿及参考答案)Set 1Are you ready? Now let's begin.Take a red pen out of the box.Now draw a star in the middle of the whiteboard.Draw a square in the top right-hand corner of the board.Now take a blue pen out of the box.Then draw two lines to join the two shapes.Now wipe away that you've drawn.Thank you. That's the end of the activity.Set 2Are you ready? Now let's begin.Take a can of Coke out of the box and put it on the desk.Then take a can of Fanta and a can of Sprite out of the box.Now put the Fanta to the right of the Coke.Then place the Sprite to the left of the Fanta.Now place the Coke on top of the Fanta and Sprite.Please put all the cans back into the box.Thank you. That's the end of the activity.Set 3Are you ready? Now let's begin.Take a blue pen out of the b0ox on the desk.Now draw a circle on the whiteboard.Draw a small circle above it.Please write 15 in the big circle and 50 in the small circle.Now erase everything on the board.Thank you. That's the end of the activity.Set 4Are you ready? Now let's begin.Take out a piece of white chalk out of the box.Draw an oblong on the blackboard.Inside the oblong draw three circles.Color the circle in the middle with the yellow chalk.Then color the first circle with the red chalk.Now erase the picture.Thank you. That's the end of the activity.Set 5Are you ready? Now let's begin.Now you can see two boxes on the desk.Please pick up a red ball from the small box.Then put it in the big box.Count all the balls in the box.Write down the number??on a piece of paper.Give the piece of paper to the teacher.Good. Now put the red ball back into the small box.Thank you. That's the end of the activity.		
教材——F 看图问答教材——F 看图问答F看图问答(录音文字稿)Picture 11. How many people are there in the picture?2. What are the children doing?3. What is the old woman doing?4. Where is the boy?5. What color is the curtain?Picture 21. What are these four people doing?2. Where are they?3. Is there a vase of flowers near the window?4. What's the boy holding in his hand?5. Is there any orange juice in the jar?Picture 31. What's the girl doing?2. How many drawers are there in the picture?3. Where is the clock?4. What can you see on the floor?5. What color is the girl's dress?Picture 41. Who are they?2. Where are they?3. What are they doing?4. Where is the cat?5. What color is the sofa?Picture 51. What's the girl doing?2. Is the boy wearing glasses?3. Where is the pencil-box?4. Is there a dog near the window?5. What can you say about the girl's hair?



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