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You and me教案.doc
教育类型:国产软件 - 小学初中 - 小学
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更新时间:2019-12-27 19:03:23
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You and me
Mainly revision
1、能简单询问别人的长相,以及相关的具体个人信息,并能进行比较。 例如:
  What’s …like? How tall are you? How heavy are you?  How old are you? How long…?  How big…?
2、能听懂会说: I’m…  than ….    My … than yours…   My …  kg...  
My…  cm long.等句子,并能在实际情景中运用。
3、能够掌握五上unit 1 和六下unit 1的四会短语 词汇 和句子。
 1、重点掌握形容词的比较级以及 对个人信息咨询的句子。
Step1 Warm up
1.????? Greetings between T and SS 
   T: Hello,everyone, I’m very happy in Feixian,Are you happy? Let’s make good friends
 T: Who is your … teacher?
 S1: She is …
 T: What’s she like?
 S1: She is .  …
Let’s have a chant.
 T: We know our teachers are young,beautiful, smart, and kind, sometimes they are strict. Now let’s chant for them.
课件展示Chant 内容:
My math teacher is very smart,  
My English teacher has a kind heart,
My P.E teacher is very strong.   
My music teacher sings nice songs
Young, smart and strong.      
 strict and kind, how they are
I love them, that’s they are.
Ss: (Clap their hands and say together with T)(学生看课件)
( 设计意图:以chant 形式总结部分形容人的形容词, 同时 德育渗透:尊敬热爱老师)
Step2 Words , grammer and usage
A.??? Words revision
通过课件展示 姚明和刘星照片,让学生讨论他们的长相。集体参与,共同梳理形容人的形容词。
T: Our teachers are hardworking,we should love and respect them. Now besides you and me, here come two famous people,
Look, who are they? What are they like?
S1: They are Yao Ming and Liu Xing.
S2: Yao Ming is tall.
S3: He is strong and heavy.
T: What’s Liu Xing like?
S4: He is thin.
S5: He is short and young.
SS: He is funny, smart and active.
(设计意图: 讨论明星,增加兴趣,同时复习所学形容词)
B.Comparatives revision
 给学生自主复习时间,用… than …  句式。
T: Now, let’s compare them. Who is taller? Stronger?.. Please discuss in groups for two minutes.
S1: YaoMing is taller than LiuXing.
S2: YaoMing is stronger than LiuXing.
 ( 学生利用课件提供比较级词进行运用)
 (通过教师引导示范,复习名词所有格及部分物主代词 在比较级中的运用。)
T: What about their arms and legs? Whose arms are longer?
Look, you can say : YaoMing’s arms are longer than LiuXing’s.
Please go on comparing.
S1: YaoMing’s legs are longer than LiuXing’s.
S2: LiuXing’s shoes are smaller than YaoMing’s.
(设计意图: 给学生自主复习,整体呈现比较级,以表格形式加深印象)
C.  限时比赛
T:  YaoMing is cool. Look, Am I cool ? Am I strong? Am I heavy?  Please compare you with me.  Have a match, let's see which group can make most sentences in thirty seconds.
Group A :  I’m taller than you, I’m thinner than you, you are heavier than me, My nose is smaller than yours….
Group B:   I’m ….
Group C:   I’m …
Group D:   I’m …
T:  Group B is the winner. Congratulations! 
方法: 在30秒内分小组说句子,必须套用句式:
 I’m …  than you.   My …  than yours.  You are … than me. 看那组说的最多。
(设计意图: 训练学生的比较级的运用能力,运用比赛的形式提高学生的积极性和趣味性)
D. 让学生做练习写出比较级,引导归纳比较级的部分规律:一般后面加er         以e结尾的加r,以辅音字母加y结尾的变y 为i再加er ,重读闭音节词只有一个辅音双写辅音字母再加er。
Step3 Sentences tructures and application
A.课件展示本人照片, 以此为话题,让学生进行信息咨询,展开句型复习.
T: We all did a good job! Look. There is a picture, who is he?
SS: It’s you.
T: Please ask me and that’ll be my in formation.
SS: How tall are you?  How heavy ? How old?...
T: Look. I measure myself. Ask one to help me and get the records. 
 One S comes to the front and helps T measure on the spot.
T: Let’s ask and answer in two groups, help me remember my information.
B. 给学生布置任务:测量·记录·汇报,小组内讨论再俩人比较差异,运用句型进行语言交际。
T: I measured myself, what about you ? please measure yourslves and write down the records as soon as you can.
SS  measured and wrote down the numbers.
T: let me ask one and make a model. Then you can discuss in groups. Four minutes to be ready.
A model dialouge first, then get SS to practice in groups and finally in twos.(分集体参与对话和个人之间对话)
C.???? 设置信息卡与老师比较,找差距并写电子邮件。
T: I show you my information card, please finish yours. And then find the diversity betwee
You and me教案.doc



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