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更新时间:2012-05-06 07:25:31
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英 语 试 题
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共80分)
I. 听力测试 
1. A. Are Tom and Tim twin brothers?
  B. Are the two boys in different classes?
  C. Is your brother wearing glasses?
2. A. You’d better take a taxi to get there.
  B. It’s good for us to have something healthy to eat.
  C. I’d like to go to the cinema tonight.
3. A. Mary likes to eat sandwich, and so do I.
  B. Is tomato a kind of fruit or vegetable?
  C. Which do you like better, orange juice or apple juice?
4. A. Paul goes to the country to visit his parents every two weeks.
  B. Living in the country is more exciting than living in the city. 
  C. There are twenty students in my class coming from the same city.
5. A. Could you show me the way to the nearest post office?
  B. I’ll tell him the news as soon as he comes back.
  C. Do you think it important for all of us to learn a foreign language?
B) 在录音中你将听到五个句子,请根据所听到的句子选择适当的答语。每个句子听两遍。
6. A. He was 36.             B. He was well.              C. She felt even worse.
7. A. She’s all right.    B. She may know how to do it.       C. She’s leaving for Hong Kong.
8. A. I worked in England.     B. Yes. It was very exciting.    C. I enjoyed myself.
9. A. Of course. I’d love to.    B. Thank you for asking me.    C. Yes, I’m ready.
10. A. Yes, so she does.     B. Don’t mention it.         C. She makes trouble sometimes.
C) 在录音中你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话
11. A. Four                 B. Five                      C. Six
12. A. April 21st             B. May 21st                  C. March 18th 
13. A. CM406              B. CN460                    C. CN406
14. A. Tokyo               B. Richmond                 C. London
15. A. At 20:30             B. At 8:15                    C. At 14:45
D) 在录音中你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文
   及问题听两遍。 (5分)
16. A. A poor man.          B. A rich man.               C. A young woman.
17. A. Old clothes.          B. A blue coat.               C. New clothes.
18. A. He went back home to eat some good food.
   B. He went back home to take off his fine coat.
   C. He went back home to put on his best clothes.
19. A. Because he liked Frank’s fine clothes very much. 
   B. Because he thought Frank was a rich man. 
   C. Because he thought Frank was a poor man.
20. A. He thanked the rich man for taking him to the best table.
   B. He took off his coat and started to eat.
   C. He asked his coat to eat instead of himself.
II.选择填空  从每题A、、、, 选出一个最佳答案。(30分)
21. —Have you seen _______ pen? I left it here this morning.
—Is it _______ black one? I think I saw it.
    A. a, the              B. the, the            C. the, a           D. a, a
22. 桰s this your mp3?   桸o, it is John20’s. _______ is smaller.
A. Me                B. I                 C. My            D. Mine
23. There is good _______. Another little girl was pulled alive from an apartment.
A. news               B. advice            C. ideas           D. thoughts
24. 梂hat do you call it in English? 桝 stamp! HeIt is used _______ sending a letter.
A. of                 B. for               C. about           D. to  
25. Follow the traffic rules and try to protect yourself. _______ is more important than life.
A. Nothing            B. Something         C. Anything        D. Everything
26. 桾om said he knew everybody’s business better than they knew_______.
   I don’t think so. If true, why did he fail so may time.
    A. himself             B. itself             C. themselves       D. oneself
We had great fun _______ football yesterday.						
    A. play     	         B. to play     	     C. played         D. playing
This story talks about a king _______is called Arthur.
    A. who               B. which             C. he            D. his name
桾he windows are broken and need to be repaired.



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