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更新时间:2012-04-22 08:15:01
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姓名_________学号_______   分数______
(   ) 1 .What will the weather ______like tomorrow?
A is         B be       C are        D was 
(   ) 2. There are about five ____    young trees on the hill.
A hundred    B hundreds   C hundred of  D  hundreds  of
(   )3. Shanghai  is  very  beautiful  and  I _      it.
A. fall in love with  B. fall in like with  C. fall in love in D. feel in love with
(   )4. If you want to talk to your teacher ,you should _    _first.
A. called to her    B. called up her  C. call her up      D. called her up  
(   )5._     _there be more people in 10 years? No , there_   _.
A Have, haven’t    B. Will , won’t be  C. Are , aren’t      D. Will, won’t
(   ) 6. Could you give me__   _?
A . an advice  B. some advice  C. any advice   D. some piece of advice
(   )7. If you want better grades , you _   _ watch  so  much  TV.
A .shouldn’t     B .should    C. could      D.  must 
(   )8. My friend has the same  haircut _       I do.
 A. as       B.  like     C . with      D . than  
(   )9. I’m very ___ because my best friend didn’t invite me to come to his party.
     A . popular    B.  happy    C.  late    D . upset 
(   )10.There are many famous predictions that never____.
A. come in B. came true C. come into D. come out
(    )11. I never think about _______ to America.
			A. go			B. to  go		C. going		D. went
(    )12. While you were at the ______, I was going to school.
			A. doctor		B. doctors		C. doctor’s		D. docots’
(    )13. They planted _____trees have been today.
			A. Thousands of	 B. Thousands	C. Two thousands D.  Thousand of
(    )14. We’ll have a picnic if it ______rain tomorrow.
			A. don’t		B. doesn’t		C. won’t		D. isn’t
(    )15. My mother always tells me ______my classmates at school.
			A. don’t fight with		B. not fight with	C. not to fight with	D. not to fight and
(    )16. The hard work made the woman ______very tired.
			A. feel			B. felt			C. fell			D. to fell
 (    )17. I couldn't find my dictionary _________. 
A. somewhere 	B. anywhere 		C. nowhere		D. everywhere
(    )18. Your answer _________ right. 
A. becomes 	B. seems			C. hears		D. listens 
(    )19. Most of us are mad ______Jay, the famous star.
			A. at			B. to			C. in			D. about
(    )20. Tom _____homework with me at 9:00 last night.
			A. do			B. to do			C. was doing		D. does
(    )21. ---Do you know ________?   ---Next year.
			A. when he come here			B. when did he come here
			C. when he will come here		D. when will he come here
(    )22. Where’s Lily? We are all here _______her.
			A. beside		B. about		C. except		D. with
(    )23. Beijing 2008 Olympics will be one of the most important _____ in Chinese history. 
A. things 		B. events		C. activities		D. accidents 
(    )24. Alan, can you _________ some music CDs to our party this Sunday? 
A. bring 		B. carry 		C. pass 		D. take 
(    )25. Can you _____this word _____English?
			A. say, in		B. speak, in		C. speak, with	D. say, with
Mrs Brown had a small garden in front of her house. She????1????some vegetables in her garden and????2??? them well. When summer came, the????3??? look very nice. One evening Mrs Brown says to her son, “Tomorrow I am going to????4??? the vegetables for you.” 
But the next morning she????5??? that her neighbor's ducks????6??? her vegetables. Mrs Brown????7??? and was????8??? at her neighbor. Her neighbor was very sorry for that. On Christmas Day, the neighbor????9??? Mrs Brown a beautiful, fat roast duck, and said, “Mrs Brown, please????10??? your vegetables now.” 
(    )1. A. planted      B. put          C. took           D. sent
(    )2. A. watched     B. cared for     C. looked at       D. kept
(    )3. A. ducks       B. gardens      C. vegetables      D. houses 
(    )4. A. sell         B. cook         C. water          D. pick 
(    )5. A. found       B. knew		  C. watched	     D. looked
(    )6. A. was picking up     		  	  B. was eating up        
C. was taking off       		  D. was pulling up 
(    )7. A. shouted      B. smiled  



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