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考试时间:2010年 10月 5日   10:20 ~ 11:20   满分:80分
评卷人	得分					一、单词辨音
(   ) 1. A. ugly			B. under			C. uncle			D. use
(   ) 2. A. half			B. walk			C. talk			D. chalk
(   ) 3. A. mother			B. thin			C. clothes		D. this
(   ) 4. A. book			B. good			C. school		D. cook
(   ) 5. A. easy			B. please		C. busy			D. nurse
评卷人	得分										
(   ) 6. My parents gave __________ a nice toy dog for my birthday.
	A. I				B. me				C. my			D. mine
(   ) 7. We traveled all night to London and got there __________ Sunday morning.
	A. for			B. on				C. at			D. to
(   ) 8. Money is important __________ it’s not the most important thing.
	A. and   		B. but   			C. or   			D. so
(   ) 9. My sister has two skirts. One is yellow, __________ is black.
	A. other   		B. another   		C. others   		D. the other
(   ) 10. --- __________ you speak Japanese?
	--- No, I can’t. 
	A. Can  			B. Must  			C. May  		D. Should
(   ) 11. There __________ many students in the library after school every day.
	A. has  			B. have   			C. is     		D. are
(   ) 12. --- Linda, when shall we take a walk?
--- After I finish ___________ the dishes. 
	A. wash 			B. washed 			C. to wash 		D. washing
(   ) 13. I think real cards are __________ than e-cards. 
	A. nice 			B. nicer 			C. nicest 		D. the nicest
(   ) 14. They __________ her to the party, so she was very happy.
	A. invite   		B. invited   		C. will invite 		D. are inviting
(   ) 15. --- My brother’s ill in hospital. 
	--- I’m sorry __________ that. 
	A. hear 		B. hearing 			C. heard			D. to hear
(   ) 16. I had a bad cold. The doctor asked me __________ in bed.
	A. staying		B. to stay		C. stayed		D. stays
(   ) 17. --- Do you know __________ for Shanghai last night?
	--- At 9:00. 
	A. what time he leaves 			B. what time does he leave 
	C. what time he left 				D. what time did he leave
(   ) 18. --- Hello! Can I speak to Alice?
	--- Sorry. She isn’t here right now. She __________ to the shop. 
	A. goes 		B. will go 			C. has gone 		D. was going
(   ) 19. The sick boy __________ to hospital by the police yesterday.
	A. is taken 	B. was taken  		C. takes 		D. took
(   ) 20. --- What good weather! Let’s go boating on the lake.
	--- __________.
	A. That’s all right					B. Thank you very much   
	C. It doesn’t matter  				D. That’s a good idea
评卷人	得分					三、完形填空
 Mr. Williams lives in a nice house in the country with his wife. He has got a nice   21    round his house, and he often works in it on Saturdays and Sundays, because he likes flowers and enjoys working with his own hands. Last Saturday Mr. Williams put some old clothes on after his breakfast and began    22    in his garden. After a little while he found something shining on the ground near his feet. To his delight, it was five pence. He put it in one of his pockets and began digging again. Then he   23   another five pence on the ground and he was very happy now. 
He shouted to his wife, “Elizabeth, come quickly. Some has   24   a lot of money in our garden    25    I’m finding it.” His wife was cooking the lunch and making a cake for tea, but she stopped and ran out   26    the garden. Then Mr. Williams found   27   more money. His wife came near and looked at it. She was very happy and said, “A thief    28    a lot of money from one of the banks   29    here a few weeks ago. The police stopped him, but didn’t find any of the money. Did the thief bring it here and hide it in our garden?” Mr. Williams began looking for more money in the ground, but then he   30    something cold in his trousers. It ran down off his legs like cold water. Mr. Williams put his pocket down quickly and five pence fell into it. A hole! He had a hole in his pocket!
(   ) 21. A. garden       	B. road       		C. ground     		D. field
(   ) 22. A. digging       	B. looking    		C. walking       	D. reading
(   ) 23. A. watched      	B. found      		C. searched     		D. observed
(   ) 24. A. lost          		B. hidden     		C. left           	D. grown



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