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更新时间:2019-12-27 19:42:53
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一 按要求做:
1.hear (同音词) 2.get(现在分词)
3.dark (对应词) 4.high(同义词)
5.say(第三人称单数) 6.start(同义词)
7.up(对应词) 8.begin(现在分词)
9.he (宾格) 10.fly(现在分词)二.英汉互译:
1.吹小号 2.和他朋友谈话
3.进来 4.wave to say goodbye
5.walk to school                    6.call out his name
7.do exercises                      8.听收音机
9.吃冰淇淋 max.book118.com:
(  )1.Please give_____your pen. _____pen isn’t here.
I, My B.me , I C.me , Mine D.me , My(  )2.Can you see that girl ? She’s_________.
A.my mother friend B.friends of my mother
C.a friend to my mother D.a friend of my mother’s
(  )3.Daming is playing ______flute, but Simon is playing _____table tennis.
A./ , the B.a , a C.the , / D.the , the
(  )4.She’s talking ____the students, _____they’re talking about very loudly.
with ,and B.to ,but C.of , but D.on ,and
(  )5.The girl ____a red sweater is ______duty today.
in , on B.in, in C.on, in D.on, on
(  )6.Let ____play football.
our B.us C.we D.ours
(  )7.Would you like _____? OK!
A.some more tea B.two cups of teas
C.a piece of tea D.two glass of tea
(  )8.It’s very cold , _____your coat, please, Kate.
put B. put on C. puts on D. put in
(  )9.They____ an English class now. 
are having B.are having to C. having D.is having
(  )10.______are you late for school ? I’m sorry.
When B. What C. How D. Why
(  )11.Shall we ______home?
go B.going C.goes D.went
(  )12.May I take a _____with you?
door B.picture C.bus D.book
(  )13.He _____the birthday card yesterday.
is making B.makes C.made
(  )14.She ____the birthday card now.
is making B.makes C.made
(  )15.Daming______a birthday party.
A.are having B.is have C.is having D.having
1.She is e______ breakfast, b_______ the phone is singing.
2.Daming is playing b________, but he can’t catch the ball.
3.The apples are f_________ down the stairs.
4.What’s she doing? She;s trying to g_______ off the bus.
5.The sun is s________, but a man is wearing a r______.
6.We’re going to m_______ Daming’s birthday card.
六.阅读理解, 回答问题:
I am very happy. I’m going to visit Hainan Island with my aunt. We are going to stay there for a week. We will go there by plane . We will see the beaches , trees and the sea. We can swim and visit a lot of beautiful plmax.book118.come are they going to go?
2.How long will they stay ?
3.What will they see ?
4.How will they go there?
七.书面表达: A birthday party




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