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12马燕霞School Life教学设计案例2.doc
教育类型:国产软件 - 小学初中 - 小学
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更新时间:2019-12-27 19:53:05
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12马燕霞School Life教学设计案例2.doc介绍

教 学 科  目:   英  语
执 教 教  师:   马燕霞
年        级:   五年级
学        校:   甘肃省兰州实验小学
Topic:  School Life
1. Contents(教学内容)Life in a Special School
In Toronto, Canada, Kim goes to a special school. It’s a school for music. Students come from around the world to study music at this school. These students are very good at playing music. Some students play the violin, some play the horn. They play many kinds of music. Kim plays the piano. Every afternoon, Kim has a math class, a history class, and a science class. Kim has many kinds of lessons, but music is the most important subject. Kim must take PE once a week, but she can choose her after-school activities. She can choose sports, dancing, or other activities. Kim usually takes sports for her after-school activity. Her favourite sport is tennis.
Teaching Aims:(教学目标)
Enable the students to understand the main idea of the passage.
Enable the students to know the words and phrases: special/ around the world / be good at / once a week
Enable the students to introduce their school lives.
Enable the student to compare and say the differences between this special school and their school.
Enable the students to know the western culture. 
Develop their cooperative spirit and creative abilities.
3. Key Points: (教学重点)4. Difficult Points:(教学难点)microphone, some paper sheets. 
6.Teaching procedures(教学和活动过程):
Step 1.
Warming up	Sing a song
2.  Guess a riddle to show the topic 
	Arouse the students’ interests and concentrate their attention, make them ready for the class.		
Step 2.
Revision	1. Free talk
2. Divide the students into 2 groups to ask and answer questions.	 Review some sentences about school life. It is not only a revision, but also the preparation for the new knowledge.		
Step 3.
Presentation	1. Lead in the passage.
2. Ss. listen to the passage with the following  questions while they are looking at the CAI:
 “Where does Kim study music?
  Where do the students come from?
  Is Kim good at playing the piano?
  How often does Kim have PE class?”
3. Then answer the questions, at the same time the students can learn some difficult words and phrases..
4. Ss. read the passage and then tell  what else do they know through the passage  
These activities can train the students’ abilities of listening and reading.
Step 4.
Practice	1. Role play an interview. Divide the Ss. into Special School Group and Ordinary School Group. Ask one student to be a journalist to interview.
2. Discuss the differences between this
special school and Chinese school in groups 
	It can develop the students’ abilities to communicate. 
This activity can check how well the students have learned and enable the Ss to find the differences between this special school and their school.		Step 5. Consolidation & Extension	1. Fill in the chart and report
2. Ss. introduce their school lives. 
	This activity can improve the Ss’ ability of speaking and writing.		Step7. Homework	1. Read the passage fluently.
2. Write a passage about their school lives.	It can train the Ss.’ ability of writing		
7. Blackboard design( 板书设计):
	                         A                   B
10. 评价:
(1) 评价方式:小组互评与综合性评价相结合,注重过程性评价。
  a. 小组游戏活动中能否体现合作意识,小组成员能否有效沟通,气氛是否和谐,是否团结合作。
  b. 活动过程中知识的应用是否具有灵活性、创新性。
  c. 活动过程中语言组织,表演能否和教师的要求相一致。
- 4 -
School  Life
Students come from…
be good at
your school
special school
After-school activities

12马燕霞School Life教学设计案例2.doc



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