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Have has 语法练习.ppt
教育类型:国产软件 - 小学初中 - 小学
教育大小:134 KB
更新时间:2019-12-27 19:17:22
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Have has 语法练习.ppt介绍

Have has 语法练习 一、用have,??has 填空: 1. I _______ a nice puppet. 2. He _______ a good friend. 3. They _______ some masks. 4. We _______ some flowers. 5. She _______ a duck. 6. My father _______ a new bike. 7. Her mother _______ a vase. 8. Our teacher _______ an English book. 9. Our teachers _______ a basketball. 10. Their parents _______ some blankets. 11. Nancy _______ many skirts. 12. David _______ some jackets. 13. My friends _______ a football. 14. What do you _______? I ________ a new toy. 15. What does Mike _______? He _______ a model 16. What do your friends _______? They _______ a TV. 17. What does Helen _______? She _______ an apple. 18. His brother _______ a basketball. 19. Her sister _______ a nice doll. 20. Miss Li _______ an English book.  二、用is, are填空: 1. There?_______?a lot of sweets in the box. 2. There?_______ some milk in the glass. 3. There?_______ some people under the big tree. 4. There?_______?a picture and a map on the wall. 5. There?_______?a box of rubbers near the books. 6. There?_______?lots of flowers in our garden . 7. There?_______?a tin of chicken behind the fridge . 8. There?_______?four cups of coffee on the table. 9. _______ there any bread on the plate? 10. _______ there a tree and any flowers near your house? 三、会话配对: (  ) 1. Can you dance ??		A. No, there aren’t.  (  ) 2. Are there any swings? 	B. Yes, I can. (  ) 3. What’s in your bedroom? 	C. There are twenty. (  ) 4. What do you like??		D. She’s in the library.  (  ) 5. How many apples ? 	         E. Yes, they are. (  ) 6. What is she doing? 		F. She has a tin-opener. (  ) 7. Are they playing chess? 	G. Three yuan, please. (  ) 8. What does Nancy have? 	H. She’s watching TV. (  ) 9. How much are they? 	I. There’s a desk.  (  ) 10. Where is Su Hai? 		J. I like monkeys. 四、连词成句: 1. has,  ballpen,? Sam,? a? ??   2. cat,? the,? there’s,  sofa,  a,? beside?    3. song,? can,? the,?? you,?? sing   4. like,  what,? you,  do    5. much,  books,? are,? how,? the 6. going,  they,  the,? are,  library,  to                                            7. the,  the,  classroom,  girls,  cleaning,  are                                            8. in,  swing,  there,  my,  isn’t,  school,  a   五、用所给的动词的正确形式填空: 1. ( draw) The boy _______   a picture now.  2. ( sing) Listen!Some girls _______    in the classroom. 3. ( make) My mother _______ a cake now.  4. ( do ) What _______ you _______ now?  5. ( have) Look!They _______    an English lesson.  6. (wash) They _______    the bags now.  7. (run ) Look! The students _______   in the playground.  8. (listen )  What is my sister doing? She _______ to music. 9. (have) It is??5??o’clock. We _______   supper now.  (wash ) _______ Helen _______ clothes?  Yes, she is.  * * have has have have has has has has have have has has have have have have has have have have has has has has are is are is is are is are Is Is B A I J C H E F G D Sam has a ballpen. There’s a cat beside the sofa.  Can you sing the song?  What do you like? How much are the books? They are going to the library. The girls are cleaning the libray. There isn’t a swing in my school. is drawing are singing is making are doing are having are washing are running is listening are having Is washing * 
Have has 语法练习.ppt



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