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Unit 8 针对性练习.ppt
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教育大小:128 KB
更新时间:2012-03-23 08:29:15
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Unit 8 针对性练习.ppt介绍

Unit 8 针对性练习 一、英汉短语互译  1、野营营地??????????????????????????  2、互相帮助??????????????? 3、两罐鸡肉?????????????????????????? 4、一只旧的望远镜?????????? 5、一盒巧克力????????????????????????  6、一篮水果? 7、a brown blanket? 8、near the tent???????????????? 9、a new towel????????????????????????  10、behind the stove??? ????  二、用have或has填空,使句意完整  1. They_____a new tent for the camping trip. 2. I_____a map of the world. 3. My father_______a blue towel. 4. Do you______a stove? 5. Ben_______a mask. 6. –-What does her brother______?????  --He______a toy plane. 7. --Do you_____any pots??????????? --Yes, we_____three new pots. 三、选择正确答案  (???? ) 1、I have_______ old tent.? A: a???? B: an???? C: the(???? ) 2、What does?_______have?? A: Jim?????? B: they??? C: you (???? ) 3、You?_______some oranges, and he_____one.A: has, has?? B: have, has??? C: have. Have (???? ) 4、What do?_______have??? A: There??? B: Yang Ling?? C: they (???? ) 5、_______ does Mike have?? He?_______a stove.A: Which, has??? B: What, have? C: What, has 四、根据所给例子,完成句子  Model: you, a telescope????? What do you have? I have a telescope. 1、he, a tin-opener?   2、Nancy, a pot  3、We, a stove and a blanket  4、Helen and Mike, a tent? ??? 5、you, a towel???????????????? 五、连词成句  1、does, Sam, what, have (? )  2、a pot, a stove, they, have, and (.)  3、have, they, some, towels, nice (.)  4、Tom’s,? does, have, friend, what (?)  5、some, picture, they, books, have (.) 六、阅读短文,并判断对错  Ted is twelve years old. He has a little dog. It is a present(礼物) from his parents. Ted likes the dog very much. He calls the dog Luck(幸运). Luck is white. It has two big eyes. It likes playing with Ted. Every Sunday, Ted takes Luck to the park. They have a good time there. (??? )1. Luck is twelve years old. (??? )2. Ted likes the present from his parents. (??? )3. Luck’s eyes are big. (??? )4. Luck doesn’t like playing with Ted. (??? )5. Every Sunday, Ted goes to the park with Luck.  * * a camping site help each other two tins of chicken an old telescope a box of chocolates a basket of fruits 一条棕色的毯子 在帐篷旁 一条新毛巾 在炉子后 have have has have has have has have have B A B C C What does he have? He has a tin-opener. What does she have? She has a pot. What do you have? We have a stove and a blanket. What do Helen and Mike have? They have a tent. What do you have? I have a towel. What does Sam have?  They have a pot and a stove. They have some nice towels. What does Tom’s friend have? They have some picture books. F T T F T * 
Unit 8 针对性练习.ppt



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