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* 怀柔五中 初二英语 谢常红                  Lesson 27  Do you like yourself? What can you see in the mirror? I can see myself. 我自己 Do you often look at the mirror? Why or why not? On our birthdays, we receive lots of attention and __________. If you don’t love yourself, this will probably make you feel _______ and uncomfortable.   presents bad     Do you love yourself? Do you really?  Ask yourself these questions and find out:  Do you usually enjoy yourself on your birthday?  On our birthdays we receive lots of attention  and  presents. If you don’t really love  yourself,  this will probably make you feel bad and  uncomfortable. If you often ask “Do my friends _____________?”. It might be because you don’t love yourself.  really like me   Do you sometimes ask yourself, “Do my friends  really like me?” It’s natural to ask this question  sometimes. But if you ask it a lot, it might be  because you don’t love yourself. When you learn  to love yourself, your friends will like you, too. If we can learn to accept our __________without criticizing ___________, we will learn to accept ______________.  mistakes ourselves ourselves more    Do you sometimes say to yourself, “I’m so  stupid!”  We all say things like this to ourselves.  It’s a way of paying for doing something bad or  wrong, but we don’t have to pay for our mistakes. If we can learn to accept our mistakes without  criticizing ourselves, we will learn to accept  ourselves more. If you don’t care about _________ appearance, it might be __________ you don’t love yourself. your because Do you take good care of yourself and your  appearance?  If you don’t care about your  appearance, it might be because you don’t  love yourself. Caring too much about your  appearance does not mean loving yourself, either. ● It’s good to talk about ___________ and ___________ , but if we don’t take an _____________ other people, it might be because we don’t really _______________ anyone. ourselves our feelings interest in care about Do you talk yourself a lot? It’s good to talk about ourselves and our feelings, but if we don’t take an interest in other people, it might be because we don’t  really care about anyone-including ourselves.  Always try to love yourself. If we can’t love ourselves,  how can anyone else love us? Do you usually enjoy yourself on your birthday? Do you sometimes say to yourself,  “ I’m stupid”! Do you take good care of yourself and your appearance?  Do you talk about yourself a lot ? Do you sometimes ask yourself, “Do my friends really like me? * 



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