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小学英语读本第四册Unit Two My Relatives新人教版.ppt
教育类型:国产软件 - 小学初中 - 小学
教育大小:1.01 MB
更新时间:2012-02-10 10:23:33
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小学英语读本第四册Unit Two My Relatives新人教版.ppt介绍

该课件由【语文公社】max.book118.com情提供QQ:764723079 * Let’s Learn English   试验本 制作:   智睿    Unit Two                      My Relatives My uncle Jim and his wife Helen My cousin Ann My cousin John My aunt Sally  and her husband  Tony This is my uncle Jim. He’s my father’s brother. His wife is Helen.  She’s my aunt Helen. They have  a daughter,Ann . Hi,I’m Tom. These are my  relatives . This is my aunt Sally. She’s my mother’s  sister. Her husband’s name is Tony. He’s my uncle Tony.  They have a son,John.  Ann and John are my cousins.  How many uncles does Tom have? He has two uncles. What are their names? Their names are Jim and Tony. How many aunts does Tom have ? He has two aunts . What are their names? Their  names are Helen and Sally. How many cousins does Tom have? He has two cousins. What are their names? Their names are Ann and John. Who is Helen? Tom’s aunt is Helen. Who is Tony? Tom’s uncles is Tony. Cousin Ann Uncle Tony Mother  Aunt Sally Uncle Jim Cousin John Aunt Helen Father  Cousin Ann Uncle Tony Mother  Aunt Sally Uncle Jim Cousin John Aunt Helen Father  I have two cousins. Their names are Ann and Tom .  My  father  and mother are teachers. I have one uncle. He is  a worker .   * 
小学英语读本第四册Unit Two My Relatives新人教版.ppt



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