www.TopwayEnglish.com www.TopwayEnglish.com 第一节 快速阅读理解的猜答案技巧 锦囊妙计3院利用长词尧难词尧生词迅速定位 在阅读理解中袁长词尧难词和生词常常造成理解的障碍袁但是在快速阅读 中袁它们却是帮助迅速定位信息源的有效工具袁这是因为它们比短词和我们熟 锦囊妙计1院出题的顺序性 悉的词更显眼袁更能吸引我们的眼光袁用于定位正合适遥 一般来说袁快速阅读理解的原文信息源顺序会与题目的顺序相同袁这样袁准 例 2 确定位前一题后袁就可以顺着原文找到下一题的出处遥如果遇到某一题很难定位 Career experts say that one of the ways job seekers can stay safe while 的情况袁千万不可过于纠缠袁不妨先查找下一题袁再在两题之间的原文进行查找遥 using the Internet to search out jobs is to conceal their identities. Replace your name on your resume with a generic (泛指的) identifier, such as 野In鄄 锦囊妙计2院巧妙结合主题定位和关键词定位 tranet Developer Candidate,冶 or 野Experienced Marketing Representative.冶 快速阅读的文章多以小标题分隔多个部分袁而有时两题之间可能相隔了好 You should also consider eliminating the name and location of your cur鄄 几个小标题部分袁这时袁应根据题目主题把题目定位于某个小标题部分之下袁 rent employer. Depending on your title, it may not be all that difficult to de鄄 再在该部分根据题目的关键词渊如专有名词尧数字尧特殊标点符号等冤精确定 termine who you are once the name of your company is provided. Use a 位袁这种方法既保证准确度袁又可缩短用时遥 general description of the company such as野Major auto manufacturer,冶 or 野In鄄 例 1 ternational packaged goods supplier.冶 Magazines Q: Applicants are advised to use generic names for themselves and their Newsweeklies, women蒺s titles, and business magazines have all seen in鄄 current employers when seeking employment online. [2007.6/T7] creases in advertising because they attract the high鄄end market. Magazines are 解析 题目除了generic一词外袁 其他都是我们