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unit one -personnel and post 
1.	Are you a driller? 
2.	Are you a technician of this crew?
3.	What is this toolpusher's name?
4.	Is he a mud engineer? Yes. He is a senior engineer.
5.	He is a directional engineer.
6.	He is an assistant driller. He is not a driller. Who is the driller of this shift?
7.	Mr. Leo is the driller of this shift. We are all roughnecks of this shift.
8.	How many roughnecks and motormen are there in this shift?
9.	Is the driller on the drillfloor? No .He is on the mud tank.
10.	When did he begin to work as a rig manager? How long have you worked as a toolpusher?
11.	How long have you worked as a mechanist?
12.	He is in charge of drilling operation.
13.	Where do the floormen work? The work on the drillfloor.
14.	What is the toolpushers job? He is in charge of the shift operation.
15.	What is the derrickman responsible for? Who is he responsible to?
16.	Derrickma is responsible for attaching or detaching the elevators, for clearing, oiling, greasing, inspecting and repairing the pulley blocks, etc. He is responsible to the toolpusher.
17.	Who is the toolpusher responsible to? He is responsible to the drilling supervisor.
18.	What is the drilling supervisor responsible for? He is responsible for all drilling operations.
19.	The man driving the earthmover is LEO.
20.	The man 0perating brake bar is our driller.
21.	There are two roughnecks helping the driller get everything read for running in hole.
22.	The man who operates a brake bar is a driller.
23.	Here comes our superintendent.
unit two-drilling fluids
How long have you worked as a mud boy? I have been working as a mud boy since taking part in job.
In the petroleum industry, what is mud? The fluid for cooling the bit is called mud.
Who mixes the mud? Where is the mud mixed? The floormen mix it at the mud tanks.
What is bentonite?  Bentonite is a clay .It consists of calcium, magnesium and aluminum.
How does the mud reach the bit? It passes through the hollow string.
What method do you take to check the quantity of salt in the mud?
How many tons of barite can be placed there?
On the day there was some mud in the tank .How many water was there in that one? It is about ten cubic meters.
Will more salt water be needed? Yes. It needs 50 cubic meters more.
Do you know how to keep this kind of mud material? Under no conditions should this kind of mud material be put in the sun for too long. Otherwise its properties will go bad.
Do you know how to use these mud materials? Before using these mud materials,we must know their properties.
How long will it take you to clear the mud tank? This work takes up too much time to clear the mud tank. It will take us about three hours.
How often do you make an experiment with the mud properties?  Every four hours.
What is the name of the special fluid? This fluid is called mud.
Who is the person in charge of the drilling fluid? This fluid is called mud.
How do you check the mud from the bottom of the hole? First,waiting for the mud to travel fro



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