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更新时间:2012-05-16 08:37:27
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英语四级A卷作文(北京新东方学校 王江涛):
Free Admission To Museums
Recently, museums in mounting numbers become admission-free to the public both home and abroad. The purpose of this practice is to offer more opportunities for citizens to explore and get easy access to the world of history, culture and knowledge.
Although free admission to museums enjoys distinct advantages, it also brings harmful effects. In the first place, these valuable cultural relics displayed may be damaged or destroyed consciously or unconsciously by the crowds. In the second place, it becomes a huge economic burden for museums to run as usual without any profits from the visitors.
It is my view that free admission to museums is of utmost significance. For one thing, we should appeal to our authorities to legislate strict laws and regulations to protect these museums. For another, we should cultivate the awareness of people that museums are extremely vital to us humans. It is high time that we attached great importance to our motherlands?splendid and glorious culture of more than five thousand years.
英语四级A卷听力(北京新东方学校 高媛):
11. She has always enjoyed great popularity
12. They are going to have a holiday
13. He was very courageous
14. Buy a new washing machine
15. He is not excited about his new position
16. The man offers to drive the women to the party
17. Finalizing a contract
18. She ordered some paper
19 He can no longer work at sea
20 She passed away years ago
21 She has never got on with her father
22 He is excellent but looks bad-tempered
23 Some of the packs do not contain manuals
24 solve the problem at her company’s cost
25 Ideal
26 C it takes lots of time
27 D they may pollute the environment
28 A place the food mixture only
29 C he will lie whenever he wants
30 C she broke up with him
31 A buy her a new set of tires
32 C it’s hard for them to get along with other birds
33 D he is too young to manage his inherited property
34 A she wants Amanda to get professional care
35 D the pursuing of protection
英语四级A卷复合式听写答案(北京新东方学校 赵建昆):
36 concentrated 40 row
37 information 41 suspected
38 depends 42 phenomenon (现象)
39 straight 43 efficiently
44 our second rule of learning is this: it is better to study fairly briefly but often.
45 Let’s say you are trying to learn some new and rather difficult English vocabulary using a stack of cards.
46 The answer is it is better to space out the presentations of the word you are to learn.
英语四级A卷阅读答案(北京新东方学校 陈科+尹延)
1.A. He just wouldn’t look her in the dye.
2.C cultural ignorance
3.B Increasing understanding of people of other cultures.
4.B A personnel training company.
5.D he must get rid of his gender bias
6.C It helped him make fair decisions.
7.A He told him to get the dates right.
8. embarrassed
9. inclusiveness
10. differences and similarities
47. M require 48. I painful 49.F especially 50. E enormous 51.H mission 52. D enhance
53. B daily 54.J performance 55. K profession 56 A daily
57 A it inspired many leading designers to start go




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