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- Honey, he's just a friend.- No, he's not "just a friend."- I know Hector; I know men.- Men and women can't be friends.- A guy doesn't drive a girl 500 miles across state lines- because he wants to be friends.- Casanova, wrap it up.- Hey, you got nothing to worry about, okay? It's you I'm marrying.- It's not you I'm worried about.- 16 more months.- I love you.- Be easy, son, all right?- Sucre tells me you're the local pharmacy.- What you need, man?- Fugnac.- I only speak English, white boy.- It's an insulin blocker.- Standard over- the- counter variety. You can get it at any pharmacy.- You can get that at medical then.- I can't get it at medical.- Why not?- Because they're already giving me insulin shots.- You're one mixed- up cracker, you know that?- Can you get it for me, or not?- Only if you tell me why it is that you want to keep going back up to medical- to get a insulin shot for which you don't need.- I like the ambiance.- Uh- huh.- We in business?- Scofield. I don't know what you did,- but Abruzzi wanted me to give you this P.I. card.- Congratulations.- You just joined the ranks of the employed.- Kudos, Fish.- You got spine.- All right, cons, break it down!- Move it, guys.- Saw Veronica came by yesterday.- Still engaged to that guy?- Yup.- Could have been me.- If you hadn't self- destructed.- You think I meant to knock up Lisa Rex?- I was just being stupid. Hurt.- Shouldn't have pushed her away, though.- You pushed everyone away.- I'm an anchor.- All I'll do is drag him down with me.- Why did you hire him?- Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.- You mean what you said earlier?- I'm not here on vacation; trust me.- Getting outside these walls, that's just the beginning.- You're going to need money.- I'll have it.- And people on the outside- -- people that can help you disappear.- I've already got them.- They just don't know it yet.- Look, whatever you got going on, fill me in,- 'cause I'm in the dark here.- Chaparral Associates got the contract to retrofit this place in '99.- $4 million contract. Head partner couldn't crack it.- So, he subcontracted out- -- an under- the- table sort of deal with a former associate.- That guy was one of the partners in my firm.- We basically ghost- wrote the whole plan- -- crossed the "t's," dotted the "i's," grouted the tiles.- You've seen the blueprints.- Better than that.- I've got them on me.- Are you kidding me?- Am I supposed to be seeing something here?- Look closer.
狱中打破插曲101"试验"airdate:2005年8月29日迈克尔手表洛瓦纹身艺术家的润饰补充max.book118.com月,迈克尔已刺胸部,背部及双手手腕下.纹身的艺术家告诉他,那家伙最需几年得到这么多墨水.密码迈克尔答道:"我没有几年" 迈克尔赶紧回到他的公寓,通过小天鹅折纸滞在桌子.每一寸空间wallpapered窗墙与论文、地图和报纸.有的文章标题如下:"林肯洞穴『终否认"、"省长的女儿荣获人道主义奖"、"老板无期徒刑abruzzi暴民" 迈克尔有条不紊眼泪落视窗信息网,然后转向他的电脑.他拉起了硬盘和步骤拖到阳台.迈克尔抚养他的背部和投掷硬盘进入芝加哥河下文.第二天,迈克尔站内银行,举起手臂一指枪朝天花板上.银行人员和客户各楼的扩张,复盖头部.他的枪火迈克尔向上; 人们瑟缩.他指着一银行职员枪柜后面."拱顶.开门. "她告诉他,她不能因为银行经理不在身边; 他的午餐.其宗旨和迈克尔枪火再度向上两次."我不玩游戏,开门. "银行职员企图说服他,他有他的250万袋,足以为他max.book118.commax.book118.com自己的武器,抬起手,慢慢好转.审判庭内,




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