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TABLE  OF  CONTENTS Introduction General analytical techniques Graphs Deflators Regression analysis Supply side analysis Cost structures Design differences Factor costs Scale, experience, complexity and utilization Supply curves Demand side analysis Customer understanding segmentation and “Discovery” conjoint analysis multi-dimensional scaling Price-volume curves and elasticity Demand forecasting technology/substitution curves Wrap-up LOGIC  AND  ANALYSIS  CRITICAL  TOSTRATEGY  DEVELOPMENT Key to strategy development is laying out “logic” to Understand what makes business work economics interactions across competitors, segments, time, ......  Conceptually organize client goals Devise ways to achieve client’s goals Help client “make it happen”  A tightly developed piece of this logic is analysis Reducing complex reality to a few salient points Isolating important economic elements ANALYSIS  IS  MORE  THAN  NUMBER  CRUNCHING Analysis is......  Integrating quantitative and qualitative knowledge Seeing the bigger picture Thinking creatively conceptually Not . . . Endless calculations Letting statistics dictate/rule “Classic” scientific rigor ANALYTICAL  BIAS “Everything can be quantified” Not really, but Most “qualitative” effects are based in economics explicit or opportunity costs accurately quantifiable or not  Client hires us to analyze and objectify Quantitative analysis is the basis CREATIVITY  AND  ANALYTICAL  PERSEVERANCE  AREIMPORTANT  TRAITS  FOR  SUPERIOR  ANALYSTS   Strive to address a problem using different approaches to test hypotheses and find inconsistencies Triangulate on answers Never believe a data series blindly  Never stop at first obstacle Clients often stop short of good analysis because they quickly surrender in the absence of good, readily available data We never surrender to the unavailability of data Your case leader does not want to hear that “there is no data,” but rather what can be developed, in how much time, and at what cost WHERE  THIS  PRIMER  FITS No document can teach you to be a great analyst Answers look easy, but process of getting there painful Each problem somewhat different from examples  A primer can Give flavor of expected analyses Show which analyses have been most productive historically Explain basic techniques and warn of common methodological errors  Best training comes from Experience in project team work Discussions with John Tang and others  You are expected to locate knowledge on your own initiative DON’T  LIMIT  YOURSELF  TO  THESE  TOOLS They are a sample of the most commonly used tools Others will be of use in specific situations Value management (CFROI, asset growth, etc.)  Additionally, no tool can substitute for a new creative approach TABLE  OF  CONTENTS Introduction General analytical techniques Graphs Deflators Regression analysis Supply side analysis Cost structures Design differences Factor costs Scale, experience, complexity and utilization Supply curves Demand side analysis Customer understanding segmentation and “Discovery” conjoint analysis multi-di




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