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中华人民共和国外资企业法实施细则中英对照 中华人民共和国外资企业法实施细则 RULES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON FOREIGN-CAPITAL ENTERPRISES (一九九0年十月二十八日国务院批准一九九0年十二月十二日对外经济贸易部发布)  (Approved by the State Council on October 28, 1990, and promulgated by Decree No. 1 of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade on December 12, 1990) 第一章总则  Chapter I General Provisions 第一条根据《中华人民共和国外资企业法》第二十三条的规定,制定本实施细则。  Article 1 These Rules are formulated in accordance with the provisions in Article 23 of The Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign-Capital Enterprises.  第二条外资企业受中国法律的管辖和保护。  Article 2 Foreign-capital enterprises shall be under the jurisdiction of and protection by China's laws.  外资企业在中国境内从事经营活动,必须遵守中国的法律、法规,不得损害中国的社会公共利益。  Foreign-capital enterprises, while engaged in business operational activities within the territory of China, must abide by Chinese laws and regulations and must not jeopardize the social and public interests of China.  第三条设立外资企业,必须有利于中国国民经济的发展,能够采取显著的经济效益,并应当至少符合下列一项条件:  Article 3 A foreign-capital enterprise to be established in China must be conducive to the development of China's national economy, be capable of gaining remarkable economic results and shall meet at least one of the following conditions:  (一)采用先进技术和设备,从事新产品开发,节约能源和原材料,实现产品升级换代,可以替代进口的;  (1) The enterprise is to adopt advanced technology and equipment, engage in the development of new products, conserve energy and raw materials, and realize the upgrading of products and the replacement of old products with new ones which can be used as import substitutes;  (二)年出口产品的产值达到当年全部产品产值50%以上,实现外汇收支平衡或者有余的。  (2) Its annual output value of export products accounts for more than 50% of the annual output value of all products, thereby realizing the balance between revenues and expenditures in foreign exchange or with a surplus.  第四条下列行业,禁止设立外资企业:  Article 4 No foreign-capital enterprise shall be established in the following trades:  (一)新闻、出版、广播、电视、电影;  (1) The press, publication, broadcasting, television and movies;  (二)国内商业、对外贸易、保险;  (2) Domestic commerce, foreign trade, and insurance;  (三)邮电通信;  (3) Post and telecommunications;  (四)中国政府规定禁止设立外资企业的其他行业。  (4) Other trades in which the establishment of foreign-capital enterprises is forbidden, as prescribed by the Chinese government.  第五条下列行业,限制设立外资企业:  Article 5 The establishment of foreign-capital enterprises shall be restricted in the following trades:  (一)公用事业;  (1) Public utilities;  (二)交通运输;  (2) Communications and transportation;  (三)房地产;  (3) Real estate;  (四)信托投资;  (4) Trust investment;  (五)租赁。  (5) Leasing  申请在前款规定的行业中设立外资企业,除中国法律、法规另有规定外,须经中华人民共和国对外经济贸易部(以下简称对外经济贸易部)批准。  The application for the establishment of a foreign-capital enterprise in the trades mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade) for approval, except as otherwise provided by 




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