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一 动词
1 acknowledge confess admit recognize
2 announce declare proclaim assert
3 arise ascend rise soar
4 alter transform vary convert
5 curb restrain stop check
6 control rule reign govern
7 defeat overcome conquer surmount
8 damage destroy spoil sabotage
9 disclose enclose expose dispose
10 ensure assure guarantee insure
11 gather crowd flock swam
12 grumble crumble stumble fumble
13 ignore neglect disregard overlook
14 imitate stimulate emulate simulate
15 occur happen arise take place
16 protect defend safeguard guard
17 persist insist preserve reserve
18 raise hoist lift elevate
19 reject decline refuse repel
20 stand bear withstand endure
21 smash shatter crack crush
22 support uphold sustain maintain
23 solve resolve dissolve absolve
24 strain constrain restrain disdain
25 surpass overrun exceed excess
二 形容词
1 adventurous advantageous ambitious ambiguous
2 adherent adhesive inherent coherent
3 credible credulous reliable trustworthy
4 evident obvious visible clear
5 far remote deserted distant
6 ferocious gracious auspicious suspicious
7 inacceptable inadaptable inapplicable inhospitable
8 moist damp wet humid
9 reclusive reproachful repulsive resentful
10 reverse adverse averse diverse
11 sufficient adequate much enough
12 smooth even level flat
13 vague dim gloomy dark
14 vain void empty hollow
三 名词
1 creed greed creek creep
2 decedent precedent antecedent incident
3 fee payment premium bonus
4 gift capacity aptitude genius
5 glisten flash glare glow
6 impression suppression depression compression
7 occupation profession employment business
8 rally meeting assembly gathering
9 recession succession confession concession
10 reservation conservation preservation compensation
11 scheme design plan program
12 sanction assent consent approval
13 transition disposition requisition position
14 transaction transition transportation transcription
四 副词等其他
1 by means of in line with in terms of in accord with
2 except besides in addition to except for
3 harmoniously simultaneously acrimoniously spontaneously
4 precisely considerably deliberately considerately
5 sometime sometimes some time some times
6 vitally virtually validly variably




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