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授课安排”魔方” 专题”小魔方”之一: 炒股               to invest in stock market              to make stock investment              to buy and sell stocks      股民 stock trader/ stock investor  2. 作弊                  cheat / cheating (game cheating)      作弊者 exam cheat/cheater     枪手/代考者 fake examinee                       /substitute testee 任何学生一经发现作弊,即被取消考试资格 Any student caught cheating will be disqualified from the examination. 3. 中暑               heat illness / heatstroke 这位老人在炎热的大晴天中暑了. This old man suffered from heatstroke on a hot sunny day.  4. 漫游                wander/ roam/ ramble     漫游通话 roaming call     漫游费 roaming fee / roaming charge 5. 接轨               link / connect              to become integrated with             to become compatible with 6. 违章               to break the regulation              to violate the regulation              to be against regulations 谁也无权违反校规. Nobody has the right to break the school regulations. 你在这里停车是违章的. It is against the regulation for you to park your car here. 7. 造假              to be exposed as a fake     假货 counterfeit / fake 这张获奖的藏羚羊照片已被揭露是造假. This award-winning photo of Tibetan antelopes has been exposed as a fake. 8. 曝光              expose / lay bare     这个教授的剽窃行为在学术界被曝光. The plagiarist behaviour of the professor was exposed in the academic circles. 9. 代言              speak on behalf of sb.             endorse (a brand/a product)     代言人 spokesperson     品牌代言人 brand spokesperson                       brand ambassador   10. 理财             (make) financial planning        理财顾问 financial adviser 给力              Gelivable / Ungelivable 如果不知道ungelivable(不给力),那众网友只能smilence(笑而不语)了。               2. 八卦             eight trigrams                 gossip (闲言碎语)      娱乐八卦 entertainment gossip      八卦新闻 gossip news  他这个人很八卦. He is very gossipy.  He is very fond of gossip. 3. 忽悠              to jerk sb. around             to hoodwink 别忽悠我,我不会上当! Don’t jerk me around! I won’t be taken in. 寒假忽悠一下就过去了. Winter vacation passed swiftly before we realized it.  4. 恶搞         abusive imitation             mischievous distortion            hoax 公鸡下蛋是头号恶搞新闻. That the cock laid an egg tops the hoax list.             5. 潜规则             hidden rule / underlying rule 各行各业都有潜规则. All trades and professions have their own hidden rules.  6. 晒工资             reveal/expose one’s salaries      晒秘密 lay bare one’s private secret      晒成绩单 reveal one’s school report      晒生活 reveal one’s real life 他建议大家都去网上晒生活,无论是烦恼还是快乐. He suggests that everybody should reveal their real-life story on line, no matter whether it is an annoyance or a merriment. 7. 草根             grass roots (基层群众)      基层单位 grass-roots unit      基层选举 election at the grass roots      草根文化 grass-rooted culture  8. 山寨             mountain village                 emulational / shoddy/ knockoff      山寨机 emulational cell phones      山寨工厂 knockoff factory      山寨明星 celebrity imitators 9. 折腾             to toss and turn             to fool around /  to mess about             struggle (挣扎奋斗)       不折腾 not to get sidetracked 我们必须不动摇、不懈怠、不折腾,坚定不移地推进改革开放,坚定不移地走中国特




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