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广受欢迎的日本青年环保活动 Popular Japanese Youth Environmental Activities        90年代后期,许多学生开始对大学的环保活动和学校周年庆感兴趣,这预计每年可以吸引超过10万名游客,这些活动主要包括两个方面。 废弃物处理      在节日里,面临的最严峻的挑战就是废物的处理。学生组织尝试着通过建立一些规则来将垃圾分开,并且鼓励其他的学生使用环保友好的形式。建立一种新的系统对饭菜进行再利用,选择废物处理器,以及其他的一些自发的活动可以在日本的许多大学里见到。 分享我们对生态教育的理念      并不仅仅是废物,我们还可以在学校艺术节上发现其他一些可能的东西。这是一个和别人分享我们的想法并且让他们去思考的很好的机会。许多学生出版生态杂志、制作环境方面的小海报和小标语、为更多的生态友好的支持者准备动机。 生态活动节网络     在2002年,约40所高校创建了生态活动节的网络,150人加入该网络的联系人表(成为该网络的一份子)来分享经验、互相帮助。现在,许多城市或者企业都对生态活动产生了兴趣,希望使市政或社区的庆祝活动变得更加生态化。为此,学生们有时会帮助他们,给他们提供相关的经验和知识。      From the late 90’s, more students became interested in adopting environmental activities and annual school festivals in colleges, which can expect more than 100,000 visitors every year.  These activities have two principal aspects. Tackling with the wastes      In festival, one of the most serious challenges is its wastes. Student organizers try to set the rules to separate garbage, and encourage other students to use eco-friendly items. Coming up with a new system to reuse dishes, choosing waste disposer and other spontaneous actions can be seen at many campuses in Japan. Sharing our ideas on eco; education      Not only wastes, you can find many other possibilities in school festivals.  It is a great opportunity to share our ideas with many people and let them think. Many students publish eco-magazines, make posters with environmental trivia, and prepare incentives for more eco-friendly stands.  Eco-festival Network      In 2002, about 40 colleges created eco-festival networks and 150 people joined the network's mailing list to share their experience and help each other      Nowadays many cities and companies are interested in eco-festivals and making municipal or community festivals eco-friendly. Therefore, students sometimes help them with their experience and knowledge.     这是一个六天的训练营计划。所有参加的学生要制定新的保护生态环境的策划,然后专业的评估组将对他们的策划进行评估。是经济活动导致了如此众多的环境问题。那么,如何让更多的人在关注经济的同时来关注环境问题呢?目前的社会是一个注重效益和利润的社会,因此,我们尝试着将环保与商业相结合,由让学生推动环保企业的发展,再让这些环保企业的发展来改变社会环境的现状!(From Waseda University)        This is a program of six-days camp. Student participants make new eco-friendly business plans and professional consultants evaluated their works. It is economic activities that cause many environmental problems. How can more people become concerned about the environment? At present days, the majority of people mostly cares something profitable, so we try to find a way to combine business to environment. Students push for environmentally friendly businesses and the businesses change society! 		From Waseda University 日本青年生态联盟“生态联盟” Japan Youth Ecology League, “Eco-League” 备忘录Memo 困难重重,但乐趣无穷  Hard but fun! 在这个由200名青年领导的组织中  200 youth led organizations  各抒己见 One by one 我们齐聚一堂,寻求合作与发展  Gathering to collaborate & develop 独一无二的活动 Unique activities 和世界友人在一起 Together with world friends. 日本青年环保行动     这是一个在环保团队的组织下令新老学生双赢的活动,毕业的学生将他们不用的电器和家具传给新学生。它不仅有效的减少了废品量,同时也节省了学生因这些电器和家具的搬入搬出所花的钱。在日本二手商店还很少,人们不知道还有很多人需要他们的旧的东西,也不知道通过怎样的途径把他们的废旧物品买掉。 而这恰恰是引导学生养成再利用的习惯的好方式。活动的组织和废旧物品收集都由学生负责。一件旧物品的价格通常是它全新时价格的十分之一,这对于大学生来说是非常划算的。同时,我们也建议新生充分




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