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吉宝西格斯多级炉排炉Seghers, Belgium 西格斯焚烧炉排控制系统能够将输送动作(水平运动)、翻搅和通风动作(垂直运动)区分开 滑动炉排推动垃圾向前运动并决定了垃圾层厚度及停留时间 摆动炉排则起到搅动垃圾层的作用 Disturbance, Gliding (horizontal motion) and Swinging (vertical movement) can be controlled separately in the SHA grate. Gliding grate makes the waste move forward , and decide the burning time of the waste. Swinging grate is used for waste mixing.  * 日本日立造船 Hitachi Zosen, Japan 炉排上设置落差,使垃圾翻转、松散 活动炉排与固定炉排相互运动,可以清除炉排片间的积灰,避免堵塞 设置拨火装置 Dropping variance of the grate makes the waste very loose. Active grate and fixed grate move mutually . Poker  mechanism * 重庆三峰SITY2000炉排SanFeng, Chongqing * 重庆同兴垃圾焚烧发电厂 福州红庙岭垃圾焚烧发电厂 国产二段往复式炉排Domestic Stoke Grate * 杭州新世纪能源环保工程股份有限公司 New Century Energy Co. Ltd, Hangzhou  温州伟明集团有限公司  Weiming Group, Wenzhou, Zhejiang    由逆推炉排和顺推炉排组合而成   逆推炉排向下倾斜   顺推炉排为水平布置   adverse pusher  parallel pusher 温州东庄垃圾发电厂  温州临江垃圾发电厂  温州永强垃圾发电厂  昆山垃圾发电厂  杭州滨江垃圾焚烧厂 江苏太仓垃圾焚烧发电厂 逆推炉排 顺推炉排 需要石英砂作为辅料,需要掺煤才能理想燃烧,在煤价较低或上网电价较高的情况下,掺煤越多焚烧厂的经济效益越好; 可以混烧多种废物,但是进料越均匀越好,一般需要有前分选和破碎工序; 焚烧炉内垃圾处于悬浮流化状态,为瞬时燃烧,飞灰量大,飞灰量是炉排炉的3~4倍;此外,流化床焚烧的一个特点是炉渣的热酌减率较低,仅为1~2%; 物料处于悬浮状态,烟气流速高,对焚烧炉的冲刷和磨损比较严重; 流化床炉的检修相对较多,年运行时间相对较短,通常只有6000-8000小时; 流化床炉起炉和停炉较为方便; 减少金属酸性腐蚀,发电效率较高。  It needs quartz sand as the auxiliary material, and needs coal mixed with waste to achieve perfect combustion. The factory will economic efficiency more as more coal is mixed when the coal is cheap and electrovalence from MSW is more expensive than that from others in China. all kinds of waste can be burned  together, but it is better to mixed them up, and the separator and crusher is necessary before the incineration. The waste in the fluidized bed is at aerosol fluidization condition, and the fly-ash amount is 3~4 times of that of grate; moreover, the loss of ignition is much lower, it only has 1~2%. The speed of flue gas is very high, and the attrition to equipment is serious. Compared with grate, it needs more repair, but has the shorter running time which is about 6000-8000hours per one year. It is convenient to starting and blowing out. * 流化床炉的技术特点 Fluidized Bed Incineration Technology 流化床炉 我国垃圾焚烧技术应用现状 高比重惰性物料循环 特殊布风结合定向风帽结构 二次风旋涡分段燃烧 垃圾渗滤液回喷炉膛焚烧 * 浙江大学 · 异重流化床 Zhejiang University  应用业绩已有10余项 杭州老余杭垃圾焚烧厂    杭州锦江乔司垃圾电厂    山东菏泽焚烧厂    郑州荥锦焚烧厂   金华热电有限公司等······ * 能适应低品位垃圾燃料组成 采用定向均匀布风,燃烧稳定 选用外置过热器,解决了HCl腐蚀问题,提高热能回收效率 北京中科通用 · 循环流化床 Zhongke Tongyong Co.  目前已建和在建的焚烧项目有10余项   浙江嘉兴热电厂   东莞市市区垃圾焚烧厂   宁波市镇海垃圾焚烧厂   四川彭州垃圾焚烧厂   ······ *  流动空气的风量差:左右空气量比中央部分多 倾斜式炉床:炉床由中央向炉两端的不燃物排出口倾斜 回旋流效果:从左右二侧部分向上吹起的砂被导流板阻挡回流到炉的中延部分  日本荏原 · 回旋流化床 EBARA, Japan  目前已建和在建的焚烧项目:   哈尔滨垃圾焚烧厂   太原市垃圾焚烧厂   大连市垃圾焚烧厂 1、可再生能源政策将促进垃圾焚烧技术的应用  Policies on renewable energy will promote incineration technology application  目前  浙江省0.5463元/度;广东省0.55元/度。 按照国家发改委颁布的《可再生能源发电价格及费用分摊管理暂行办法》规定,2006年起新核准建设的垃圾发电厂,上网电价应分别为: 浙江省0.666元/度; 广东省0.689元/度。  At present : Zhejiang: 0.5463 yuan/kwh;Guangdong: 0.55 yuan/kwh。  According to the new Trial Guidelines on renewable Power Generation Price and expense ,the price of the power generated from the new waste incineration plant built after 2006 will up to: Zhejiang: 0.




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