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U8知识要点 七下.doc
教育类型:国产软件 - 小学初中 - 初中英语
教育大小:114 KB
更新时间:2012-04-13 09:15:09
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U8知识要点 七下.doc介绍

would like sth想要…
I’d like some beef.我想要些牛肉。 …?
Would like to do sth想要做…
She would like to play ping-pang. 
would like sb to do sth想要某人做…
Would you like to help me with my English?
what kind of:哪一种 a kind of animal一种动物
all kinds of animals各种各样的动物
all kinds of drinks各种个样的饮料
Dumpling House/House of Dumplings饺子店 House of Noodles/ Noodle House面馆essert house在一家甜点屋phone number:电话号码 …
be on special搞特价
tomato soup:西红柿汤
orange juice: 桔子汁 
green tea:绿茶order some food订餐
a small bowl of porridge 一小碗粥
a medium bowl of rice 一中碗米饭
a large bowl of dumplings 一大碗面条a cup of tea一杯茶
a bowl of soup一碗汤
a glass of juice一杯橘子汁
a basket of fruit一篮子水果
a piece of news/ paper 一条消息/一张纸
a pair of shoes一双鞋
4 bags of rice四袋米
tell me why/ tell me the reason告诉我原因
make a menu写一份菜单
enough food足够的食物
big enough足够大 strong enough足够强壮
in the bowl在碗里
on the plate在碟子上
let sb (not) do sth让某人(别)做…
ask sb (not) to do sth
make sb (not) do sth
Help yourself to some food!请享用美食吧
【KS & LP】
1 I’d like some noodles.我想要些面条。
beef, mutton, chicken, cabbage, potato, tomato, orange juice, green tea, black tea, onions, dumplings, rice, fish, porridge, soup, bean curd, soya-bean
2 What kind of noodles would you like?
I’d like …
What kind of noodles do you have? 有
We have …
chicken and cabbage noodles
mutton and potato noodles
tomato and egg noodles
beef and carrot noodles
I’d like orange juice/ green tea/ onions/ dumplings/ rice/ fish/ porridge/ soup
3 What size bowl of noodles would you like?
What size would you like?
large, medium, small
4 Would you like something to eat?
I’d like some noodles.
5 Can I help you?
What can I do for you?
May I help you?
6 What’s your special today?什么特色菜?
Any thing else?/ What else?其他还要什么?
【Writing】Useful sentences
Here is enough food for you.这有充足的食物。
Special 1 is ¥10 for 15 dumplings.
Fried mutton is the special in the restaurant.油炸羊肉是这家饭店的特色菜。
Which one do you like better? Coffee or tea?
It’s good for your to eat more fish.
I like fish and mutton.
I don’t like coffee or black tea.
Come and get your noodles.来买面条吧。
I’d like to order some food. 我想点菜。
What’s your address, please? 您的地址?
1 would like 用法
2 would 是情态动词Would you like sth.? 是提建议的一种句型,如需用一些,用some而不用any.
肯定回答: Yes, please./ All right./ Yes./OK.
否定回答:No, thanks.
  七下U8 知识要点 
Teacher Evan的博客:http://max.book118.com.cn/zz73m	

U8知识要点 七下.doc



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