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八年级(下)unit2 练习题及答案.doc介绍

Unit 2 
Let’s Preview——Part 3 Warming up exercises 热身练习
三、Complete the sentence according to the Chinese meaning. 预习课文,根据中文情景完成英语句子。
Together they ____ ____ ____ ____ of a cat trying to catch a mouse. 
It would be funny to make the mouse ___ and always ___ the cat ___ ____. 
____ ____ ____ ____ ____, they made ____ ____ Tom and Jerry.
The two animals are always ____ ____ of fighting each other. 
Tom gets into trouble with his owner, while Jerry ____ ____ him. 
Children from ____ ____ ____ ____ love to watch their show on television. 
1、thought of the idea
2、smart; get; into trouble
3、Over the next seventeen years
4、running around
5、laughs at
6、all over the world 
Let’s Learn——Part 4 Small Talk and Long Talk 语言组织问答
1、What is the cartoon Tom and Jerry telling about?
2、What makes the cartoon so funny? 
3、How do you think about the popularity of this cartoon?
4、Have you ever seen Tom and Jerry? If yes, do you like it? If no, would you want to see it?
5、Do you want to make cartoons by yourself? 
1、It is about a cat trying to catch a mouse.
2、The mouse is smart and always gets the cat into trouble. In addition, they always rush around and play trick on each other; all these things make this cartoon funny.
3、The cartoon is easy to understand and brings great amusement to people, so it is very populous.
4、Yes, I have. I like it very much and it gives me a lot of pleasure. 
   No, I haven’t, but I am planning to see it after reading this article.
5、Yes, I will take it into consideration. Making my own cartoon must be interesting. 
Let’s Review——Part 1 Practice 小练习
二、Translation 翻译
1、Every time I listen to your advice, I get into trouble.Oh, cheer up! Nobody will laugh at you.
3、There are plenty of people going on picnic.
4、The rock music(摇滚乐) stars from all over the world will be there.
5、Over the next fifteen years, our population will increase to 1%.
1、每次我服从他的建议就会惹麻烦。哦,振作起来吧,没人会笑你的。多人到郊外旅行世界各地的摇滚乐明星都会登台演出。在未来五年中,将上升1%。Many people ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ visit London.
许多来自世界各地的人们到伦敦观光。How can you___ ___ your boss?
你怎么你的老板?Tell me what you___ ___ me. 
告诉我你们认为我怎么样。On Wednesday, I rested and drank ___ ___water. 
星期三,我休息并喝了大量的水。As long as you stick with this plan, you will never ___.
只要你坚持这个计划一直做下去,你永远都不会失败。you break the law again, you will___ ___ ___.
妳若再违反法律,妳会弄出大麻烦的。The wide fields were___ ___ music. 
宽阔的田野到处都是音乐声。He should invite his friends here___ ___  going out. 
他应该把朋友邀请到这儿来,而不是出去。from all over the world
2、laugh at
3、think of
4、plenty of
6、get into trouble
7、full of
8、instead of
Unit 2
Let’s Preview——Part 3 Warming up exercises 热身练习
三、Complete the sentence according to the Chinese meaning. 预习课文,根据中文情景完成英语句子。
Would you like to ____a cartoon artist?
We can make people’s faces look funny ____ ____some of their features.
She also ____ ____ with thin, brown frames.
First, we ____ ____ ____of the shape of her face and add a nose.
____ ____ ____ with brighter colours. 
____ ____making them bright pink ?
2、by exaggerating
3、wears glasses
4、draw an outline
5、Colour her face
6、How about
Let’s Learn——Part 4 Small Talk and Long Talk 语言组织问答
1、How to make people’s faces look funny? 
2、What shall we do to make the cartoon faces more brilliant? 
3、Do you often watch cartoon films? 
4、Do you like reading cartoon books? Why? 
5、Would you like to become a cartoon artist? 
1、We can make people’s faces look funny by exaggerating some of their features. 
2、We can color the cartoon faces with bright colors  
3、I used to watch cartoon films very often, but now I hardly watch it as the increasing of ages.  
4、Yes, I do. Cartoon books are often amusing and it is a good way to relax ourselves. 
5、Yes, I’d like to. I think it is one of the most creative jobs in t
八年级(下)unit2 练习题及答案.doc



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