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八年级英语下册 第七单元检测试卷 人教新目标版.doc
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更新时间:2012-05-06 07:23:37
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八年级英语下册 第七单元检测试卷 人教新目标版.doc介绍

班级_____  姓名_______________  学号________  等级_______
一、用所给单词的正确形式或根据首字母提示填空   1. The teacher is coming. Would you mind ______ (clean) the blackboard?
   2. The river is very dirty. It smells ________ (terrible). It is _____ (terrible) polluted.
3. Last night he watched an ________ (excite) football match on TV, and he was so ________ (excite) that he couldn’t get to sleep.
4. When this h________, I will get angry.
   5. What you did is not right, so you should make an a______ to your teacher.
   6. When you are waiting for a bus, you should wait in l__________.
   7. He is always ready to help people in t__________.
   8. His mother often c________ about his carelessness.
1. Would you mind ________ (not play) basketball in the classroom? 
2. When someone ______ (cut) in line, people will get ________ (annoy).
3. Tomorrow is Sunday. I will have a lot of clothes ______ (wash). So I will be very busy.
4. That boy ________ (fly) a kite near the river for more than three hours. 
5. They continued __________ (listen) to the music.
6. What you want to buy is __________ (sell) out. You can come to have a look tomorrow.
7. I have some difficulties ________ (finish) the work in two days.
8. Mr. Brown _________ (arrive) already. He ________ (arrive) an hour ago.
1. I would like to have some bananas. (一般疑问句)
_____________ you _______________ to have some bananas?
2. Would you please pass him the doll? (否定句)
Would you please ______________________ him the doll?
3. They went to a movie twice a month befoe they went to college. (对划线部分提问)
__________ they ____________ to a movie before they went to college?
4. Would you mind not playing baseball here? ( 同义句)
Could you ________________ not ________________ baseball here?
5. He will come here. I will let you know. (用if 连成一句)
四、单项选择(  ) 1. —Would you like to come to my birthday party?
          —Yes, ____________ I’m very busy.
          A. I like to, and   B. I’m glad to, but  C. I’d like to, but  D. I would like, and
(  ) 2. Would you please ______ football near my home?    ____________.
A. not to play, No                    B. not play, Yes, I will do that again 
C. not play, Sorry, I won’t do that again  D. don’t play, Sorry, I won’t do that again
 (  ) 3. Mum, may I go out to play?
 No, you _____. You must finish your homework first.
  A. may not       B. mustn’t        C. couldn’t        D. needn’t
(  ) 4.Would you mind moving your bike a little to make room for mine? ______.
  A. Yes, I would                   B. OK, I’ll do it right now
  C. Wait a moment                 D. No, I wont do it
(  ) 5. I’ll do it _____ a minute.
  A. at        B. on        C. in         D. after
(  ) 6. ______ dolls to children at McDonald’s isn’t good.
  A. Selling         B. Sell          C. Sells         D. To selling
(  ) 7. Remember to ______ your English book here.
  A. take        B. bring           C. carry          D. sell
(  ) 8. _________?   
I’m looking for a dress for my daughter.
  A. Can you help me                     B. What can I do for you
  C. What do you want                    D. What are you looking for
(  ) 9. Try ______ late for school again.
  A. not to be         B. not be       C. not being         D. to be not
(  ) 10. Get up early, ______ you ______ late for school.
   A. and, will be      B. or, will be      C. or , are          D. so, are
(  ) 11. When you are ______, you can come to me for help.
   A. in trouble        B. trouble        C. in dangerous      D. in matter
(  ) 12. The boy ________ under the tree is very good at math.
   A. to reading        B. reading         C. to read         D. read
(  ) 13. You must ________ your teacher for your ______ late for class.
   A. apologize, to be                    B. apologize to , being
   C. apology to, being                   D. apology to , to be
(  ) 14. We didn’t get the Snoopy doll because they had been ______. 
   A. sold of       B. sold off      
八年级英语下册 第七单元检测试卷 人教新目标版.doc



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